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Firefighter of the month: Jane Hutchison

FROM: Born in Minnesota, raised in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, and lived in Friday Harbor for 22+ years. 

FAMILY/PETS ON ISLAND: I have two sons (twins) both grown.

FAVORITE FOOD: chocolate, mochas, pizza and beer. I’m supposed to say vegetables and fruit since I am a work out maniac and watch my diet, but those go without saying.

FAVORITE MUSIC: anything I can work out to or relax to

HOBBIES: working out: swimming, biking and running (mainly) with skiing, kayaking, river rafting, hiking thrown in, with sky diving, zip line, rock climbing, and possibly the Iditarod being contemplated.

CAREER: 20+ years in the legal field and 4 months in the fitness – health field

HOW YOU ENDED UP INFH: I wanted to experience the ocean and sail, met someone who liked both and traveled western Washington until we found Friday Harbor. We lived in and around sailboats for several years in Friday Harbor, dreamed of a passage to Hawaii, but then bought property, built a home and end of story.

WHY YOU LIKE IT HERE: I love my friends, the community and the beauty of the islands plus getting off this rock via the ferry is difficult so I stay put except for traveling to triathlon events. Thinking about living elsewhere is hard to imagine. People will help you in a heartbeat.


WHY YOU JOINED: I joined because I have often wondered what it would be like to be a fire fighter, to learn to fight fires, and to help others affected by fire, plus I wanted to climb the aerial ladder on Engine 7.

WHY YOU LIKE IT: I like learning about fire safety, helping others, the camaraderie in the fire department and climbing the aerial ladder on Engine 7.

MOST EXCITING THING ABOUT DEPT: Climbing the aerial ladder on Engine 7 and fighting fires!

HARDEST SKILL TO MASTER IN DEPT: All aspects of fire fighting have been challenging (in a good way) but handling the large hose, chain saws, and other equipment have been physically challenging due to my size and strength.

OTHER VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: I have volunteered at the Elementary School 2-3 times a week for the past several years helping children read and write.

IDEAL DAY: most days here are ideal

FAVORITE SAYING, QUOTE, THOUGHT, SOMETHING TO SHARE: Friends and family are key to your happiness: hold them tight when you can and keep them in your thoughts always esp. children!