San Juan Island Update - serving San Juan Island, Friday Harbor, and Roche Harbor

November 10, 2008

A little announcement....
On Friday, Josie and I got married...wahoo! We have been together for the last couple of years or so, and it's a wonderful step into the future...she's a great one, and I'm lucky we're together.

We decided to use my office at By Design over on Mullis Street because it had a hookup with a computer so that my son Shay (on screen) could attend from Naropa University in Colorado, along with my FHHS senior son Cameron. It was just a little ceremony - that's kinda our style. It's easier on the earth that way.

In the meantime, though, thanks for all your nice notes and thanks to Sharon at the San Juan Islander for getting the word out.

What's happening on the island!
click for more info:

Tigers come close in championship game....
Kris Brown sent in the news from yesterday's game:

Friday Harbor battled Sedro Wooley White for the North Cascade Youth Football League Junior B Championship game on Sunday in Mount Vernon. Friday Harbor was the favorite coming into the game after defeating the same team 28-6 in late September and outscoring their opponents 340-60 in nine games this season. The Cubs did their homework and had something to prove after Friday Harbor overwhelmed the Sedro Wooley Blue team last week for the conference title 58-21.

Capitalizing on penalties and turnovers, the Cubs scored three touchdowns and two, two-point conversions to lead 22-0 at the half. Several long Friday Harbor running plays were called back, including one touchdown. Throughout the first half Sedro Wooley used on-side kicks to keep the ball away from usually the productive Tiger kick return and then shut-down Friday Harbor's running game.

The Tigers offense opened the second half with a touchdown and two point conversion. The defense joined in, forcing two punts which allowed the revived Tiger offense to score another touchdown. With just over three minutes left in the game, the Tigers brought the ball deep into Cub only to turn the ball over on downs. With 1:52 left in the game Sedro Wooley ran one play before taking a knee on the last three downs of the game. The loss marks the only defeat for the Friday Harbor Junior team in 21 match-ups over the last two years.

"You have nothing to be ashamed of," encouraged defensive coach Rick Morris after the game. His sentiments were echoed by the NCYFL official who congratulated the team on their courage and unity "after being behind 22 to nothing at the half." He presented them with the 2nd place trophy which will join the conference trophy from last week and the 2007 Junior B Conference and Championship Trophies in the Friday Harbor clubhouse.

San Juan U-14 guys have one game left...
That's Joe Fyrqvst (yellow) battling for the ball on Saturday in the team's 3-1 loss at Oak Harbor...the guys wrap up their long, productive season this weekend at Shoreline. I've gotten to see 6-7 games this season, and this is a talented, positive team of good, hard-working kids, who have been coached well by Roger Paul & Gordy Waite with an emphasis on good attitudes & good play - and they got it. Way to go, guys!

The moment you have in your heart this extraordinary thing called love and feel the depth, the delight, the ecstasy of it, you will discover that for you the world is transformed.
Jiddu Krishnamurti

November 7, 2008

Salmon recovery takes a hit....
One of the budget items that is on the budgetary chopping block is money needed to help with salmon recovery efforts...bad move. Here's more.

School District says it will look over proposals to consider ditching crumb rubber (right) at FHES.....
The Board said on Wednesday night that it was moved by the level of concern raised by dozens of community's the superintendent's report.

Plan for next weekend....
Paul Hopkins & San Juan Fitness are working with the three schools' PTA's has a deal for next Saturday - here's what he says:

San Juan Island Fitness, in cooperation with the PTA’S,  offer “Kids Night Out.”  The first in a series will be held on Saturday evening, November 15.  Cost is only $7.00 per person. 

Elementary School (grades 2 through 5) will enjoy swimming, court games, BBQ hot dogs and cheese sandwiches from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. 

From 7:15 to 9:15 Middle School aged kids are invited to come swim, as well as court games, including a racquet ball clinic and refreshments.

High School-aged people will start the fun at 9:30 and go until 11:30.  They’ll also enjoy swimming, court games including racquet ball, hot tub and refreshments.  All swims are supervised by a certified lifeguard and please remember to bring your tennis shoes.

A portion of the proceeds go to the respective school PTA. For more information, call 378-4449 or visit

Discussing our rights....
Roger sent me this update - the panel discussion is this weekend:

The Friday Harbor Group of Amnesty International, in conjunction with the Friends of the San Juan Island Library, invites your participation in the third of the series of panel discussions devoted to Human Rights in the Twenty-First Century and in preparation for the celebration on December 10th of the sixtieth anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations General Assembly.  The third panel discussion entitled, “Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights”, will be on Sunday, November 9, 2008, from 5:30 to 7:00 P.M. at the San Juan Island Library.  The discussion will be devoted to Articles 22 to 31 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  The panel members will be Mr. Jack Cory, editor of the online The Island Guardian, Ms. Carolyn deRoos, an attorney, and Mr. Howard Rosenfeld, Chairman of the San Juan County Council. and Ms. Janet Thomas, writer and author of the book, “The Battle In Seattle”.  Free copies of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights booklet are available at the San Juan Island Library.

The honored speaker at the December 10th sixtieth Anniversary Celebration of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights will beformer United States Army Captain James Yee, a Muslim Chaplin at GuantánamoBay, Cuba.Despite awards for his service, Chaplain Yee was arrested and charged with treason and espionage in September 2003. Chaplain Yee subsequently was exonerated, the charges dropped and, without apology, Chaplain Yee was honorably discharged in January 2005. Chaplain Yee will address, “ My Experiences at Guantánamo Bay: Human Rights and the Lessons Learned ”, at Saint David’s Episcopal Church, on Wednesday, December 10th, at 7:00 PM.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the primary international articulation of the fundamental and inalienable rights of all members of the human family. It represents the first comprehensive agreement among nations as to the specific rights and freedoms of all human beings.Amnesty International is a non-profit, non-partisan organization devoted to protecting human rights worldwide

Friday Harbor Group #607
Amnesty International

On Marriage, by Kahlil Gibran (from The Prophet):

You were born together, and together you shall be forevermore.
You shall be together when the white wings of death scatter your days.
Ay, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God.
But let there be spaces in your togetherness,
And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.

Love one another, but make not a bond of love:
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.
Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup.
Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf
Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone,
Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music.

Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping.
For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.
And stand together yet not too near together:
For the pillars of the temple stand apart,
And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow.

November 6, 2008

That's FHHS teacher Mike Biggers dressed up as pigs in a blanket for Halloween - check out all the pictures of the island in costume here:

Photos of the FHES kids & adults
Photos of kids at FHHS
Photos of folks out in the streets & tavs in the evening

Memorial: Pat Speer
There will be a memorial service for Pat at 1pm on Saturday at Turnbull Gym at FHHS. Here are the details....

The Journal of the San Juans ran a nice article about Pat, whom we all miss so much....check it out.

And more thanks....
FHHS soccer coach Mark Fishaut wrote in to say how much he appreciated the time & energy Eduardo Miller and last year's all-world (according my vote) player Beth Ware put in this year - he says, "They helped SOOOO much!"

That's FHHS' Hannah Snow ready to stop the Lynden Christain shot on Saturday (right)...I believe Hannah is one of the better keepers in the league (for sure) and maybe the state.

Election results - for the County!
I know you've already seen & overanalyzed the election results from Tuesday (surveys indicate that Update readers are smarters than the average bear), but here's one more data set for you to look over....

Melissa Crane from the County's GIS department sent over this set of maps to show how the precincts voted in the various's fascinating. Check it out here. Thanks, Melissa!

Have you been by, lately?
Drop by Dominique's (next to the Little Store), and check out their fall clothes - you'll love what Teri has. And she has a special going on:

Dominique’s Clothing is celebrating FALL with special savings for you! Each week we will be featuring a different item or designer with a special sale. Check out our window for each week's special (new item will show up Wednesday evening). Starting today, all coats and vests in the store are 25% OFF!

The Roche Harbor Samon Classic is full!
Last year Debbie Sandwith says she filled the 100 spots by December 7th - this year the February was filled, like, yesterday. Wow! Way to go, Debbie!

Another beard for the Centennial Beard-Growing Contest!
That's Andy Duke (left) with his effort - going well!

Remembering Fayette....
Darlene wrote up a little tribute to her longtime guide dog Fayette, who passed away last week - she was a familiar sight around the island....

This is a huge heartfelt “Thank You” to a most wonderful dog, Fayette, my German Shepherd guide dog and friend. And also an appreciative “Thank You” to all who loved and appreciated her and showed her kindness. She made many wonderful friends and fans! Fayette took initiative and did many things above and beyond her training. Her deep brown, soulful eyes held a quiet wisdom. Faye also had a silly, fun-loving side. Fayette could almost wriggle out of her skin (and harness) as she tried to contain her delight when she'd spot a special friend.

Fayette was always part of life's ups and downs, the happy and the sad times. She was the ring bearer for Ken and my wedding-I think people took more photos of her then us! The depth of our relationship, overflowing with mutual love, trust and concern is still beyond my comprehension. After ten years of our working partnership, we were both still adjusting to the transition of her retirement and my return in late July with a new, young guide dog, Ingrid.

Fayette was superb in her guide work, allowing me to travel efficiently and safely in the city and on the trail. She was selfless in her loyalty and devotion, putting me first and doing things way beyond her training. She worked for LOVE, pure and simple. Fayette moved with grace from the wilderness of Olympic National Park to Capitol Hill; from 'wild' caves to canoe camping; from concert hall to chaotic hockey arena. Fayette was a natural on stage with the band Sugar on the Floor, and the San Juan Singers. As an actress she played, “Rufus” in the play, Smoke on the Mountain. She wasn't fazed by travel by horse drawn carriage, zodiac, river raft, the tram to the top of the Gateway Arch in St. Louis or cross country train trips. She'd even lie patiently on my suitcase on a tiny float plane.

Although she sometimes doubted my judgment about some of our activities and adventures, (“do you really want to bushwhack up the back side of Young Hill?” or “why are you hoisting me up and down ladders in this battleship or up and down a rocky headland?”), her loyalty kept her by my side.

Fayette was an exemplary ambassador for Guide Dogs for the Blind, in San Rafael, CA where she was trained. She also made a fine impression as an honorary National Park Service Ranger. Fayet helped me lead hikes and school programs and participated in living history for nine years at San Juan Island National Historical Park. In fact, her last duties before retirement were marching in the 4th of July parades in Friday Harbor and on Orcas Island as the mascot of the Park's 1860s, Company D. She helped supervise volunteers working on beach surveys and prairie restoration. Fayette helped seek out dead birds with Ken and I on our monthly Coastal Observation and Seabird Survey Team walk of South Beach. She also led visitors up the spiral staircase of Outer Island Lighthouse at Apostle Islands National Lakeshore on Lake Superior.

Thanks you Fayette, and all the animals who share our lives and give so much. You will be missed, but never forgotten.

Darlene Wahl

Concert next week....
Sally Browne tells me this is gonna be great:

I'm very happy to announce the next Performing Arts Society concert scheduled for November 16, 2008, 3pm at the Friday Harbor Presbyterian Church.

A concert not to be missed, Terry Forsyth will be performing on the organ of the church. This performance has variety everyone will find entertaining. Terry will play works by Messian, Vierne, Guilmant and some of his own work. One piece will be audience participation where Terry will request a 4-10 note melody which he will improvise on for 4 minutes – reminiscent of Bach.

Hope to see you at the concert.

It is cruel, you know, that music should be so beautiful. It has the beauty of loneliness of pain: of strength and freedom. The beauty of disappointment and never-satisfied love. The cruel beauty of nature and everlasting beauty of monotony.
Benjamin Britten

Steller sea lions at Race Rocks, B.C. (photo by Jim Maya)

November 5, 2008

Election results are in....
We'll have two new County Council folks, come the new year....Lovel Pratt (right, with husband Boyd & FHHS soph son Elwyn) edged Gordy Petersen last night to represent the southern part of the island (replacing Kevin Ranker, who left the Council to successfully run for the State Senate), while Richard Fralick won over on Orcas.

Representing the Town on the Council, incumbent Howie Rosenfeld turned away a challenge from Fay Chaffee to hang onto his seat.

Watching the campaign here on the island over the past few months, I got to know the candidates even better, and the way they stick to the discussion at hand & are brimming with ideas - we're so lucky to have good folks helping run things. Congrats to the winners - which includes all of us. I'm proud of all the folks who ran this year - thanks for your desire to serve. Makes us all proud to live here.

Oh, yeah....that OTHER election.....
Wasn't that something...everybody has a reason that last night's national results were interesting to them, including me. My completely slanted view was shaped in Alabama in the 1950s & 1960s, when the conventional social view was that what happened last night could never happen.


But it did, and has. Wow.

Reminds me of a Shel Silverstein ditty:

Listen to the mustn'ts, child.
Listen to the don'ts.
Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts.
Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me...
Anything can happen, child. Anything can be

It's National French week!
FHHS French teacher Nancy Jones from FHHS has more:

Mayor proclaims National French Week: Yesterday, at Friday Harbor High School, Friday Harbor Mayor David Jones proclaimed November 5-11 as “National French Week”. As Mayor Jones read the proclamation, French native Gerard Woldtvedt read the translation in French. National French Week is a week-long celebration sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of French (AATF) whereby students and communities across the nation celebrate all things French.

Activities organized by French teacher Nancy Jones at the high school began Monday and include discovering and presenting famous French contributions to all areas of study; several francophone community members are guests at lunch on Wednesday, dining with the French students; a flag identity contest of all French speaking countries (there are more than 28); and a crepe demonstration on will be on Thursday. The new lunch program is featuring French specialties throughout the week.

Actors from the University of Victoria fine arts program present two short plays at the Community Theatre on Monday morning before 275 Friday Harbor Elementary School kids. Based in Native lore, the shot above is from "How Raven Got his Voice," while the other was based on actor Rob Hunter's Cree heritage. The show was brought to the island's kids by Chamber Music San Juans' director Pat Kostek. (Photo by Josie Cleland.)

November 4, 2008

The crowd of FHHS supporters that traveled to Oak Harbor Saturday was loud & excited throughout the girls' last soccer match of the season, won by Lynden Christian 4-2. (Click on photo for larger version.)

Wolverine women keep it close in last playoff game....
Even though they were down 4-1 at the half (that was Mandy Turnbull's goal, on a feed into the box from all-world Whitney Porter), the girls came out hard in the second half, scoring again (Clara Brand finished another Porter cross) and holding the hard-shooting Lyncs scoreless. Final: 4-2.

(That's Elle Guard winning the ball in midfield, in the first half. Looks a little like she's working her soccer ninja moves, but she's really just trapping the ball.)

It was a game, and a season, to be proud of. The girls were league champs, and went three games deep into the playoffs. It's a young team with a lot of promise, and a lot of skill, which made great progress this year in maturing towards being a squad that could really challenge in next year's post-season. And...most importantly - these are great kids who are good citizens & good human beings.

Good season, and a good time was had by all.

How did everybody else do last weekend?
FHHS athletic director Rod Turnbull says it was one of the best games he's seen an FHHS team play - the Wolverines won the last football game of the season Friday night 34-6 at Lynden Christian, and controlled the game from start to finish. The game ended Coach Darren Scheffer's first year at the job on a positive note, as his disciplined, positive approach worked well with this year's squad, and gave encouraging hints of what's ahead next year.

Meanwhile, the volleyball girls traveled to the district tourney in Coupeville with a team that had three starters injured, and it didn't help, as they were eliminated in the first game. The girls only graduate two, though, so it's easy to imagine the younger players stepping up next year, from this team that just got better & better as the season went on.

Get your 2009 Calendar!
It's all about our island! And it can be yours - just click the calendar to the right to check it out & order yours now!

Get your plants now!
Here's a reminder from Tanja - it's another way you can help the FHES PTA, too:

Hello! A little reminder that poinsettia order forms are due by Wednesday, November 5th, and plants will be available for pick up on November 20th and 21st. Thank you so much for all your support! If you have any questions, or need additional order forms, please call Tanja Williamson at 378.6004.

Get your picture taken!
Mark Gardner takes great's a good chance to get your holiday photos shot & made into cards. Check his promotion for the season here, on his webpage.

Tigers roll on!
It's the championship game this weekend for the Junior Tigers, as they head to the mainland to play Sedro Wooley's Blue team - here's more from Kris Brown:

Last Sunday, Sedro Wooley Blue fell a second time this season to the well-orchestrated running game of the Friday Harbor Tigers. This win at Oak Harbor's Memorial Stadium on Sunday was more decisive than the previous 29-12 win as the TIgers allowed only 8 points in the first half and by the end of the game had outscored the Cubs 58-21. Nate Steinkolk, C.J. Woods, Dylan Radden and Jeray Napier all ran for touchdowns. Napier intercepted a pass and ran for his touchdown. With constant pressure from the defense, it was an uphill battle for the Cubs to score.

This week's championship game in Mount Vernon on the 9th: the Tigers will face the Sedro Wooley White team who defeated number two ranked Anacortes on Saturday in Mt. Vernon. Friday Harbor beat the same team earlier in the season 28-6.

Friday Harbor ended the season outscoring their opponents 289-39 and racked up 4 shut outs. Last season half of the current team members were Junior Division B champions, coming from 16 points behind to beat Anacortes 32-16 in last year's championship game.

More Halloween pix....
There are a lot of them, and it's always fun to see the kids! Professional photographer John Sinclair shot 159 or so, and put them all together in this gallery - check it out!

John's Gallery of photos

Can't get enough? Here are the ones I took, too:

Photos of the FHES kids & adults
Photos of kids at FHHS
Photos of folks out in the streets & tavs in the evening

Radio Free Olga! Playing the hits!
Bruce over on Orcas operates an internet podcast station called Radio Free Olga, and it's cool because they play just local folks - in this week's podcast, he has Cameron Byington (my son) playing the guitar and me (his papa) singing the Beatles' Blackbird...check it out here.

Election quotes
An election is coming. Universal peace is declared and the foxes have a sincere interest in prolonging the lives of the poultry. ~T.S. Eliot

The politicians were talking themselves red, white and blue in the face. ~Clare Boothe Luce

If the World Series runs until election day, the networks will run the first one-half inning and project the winner. ~Lindsey Nelson

Democracy is the only system that persists in asking the powers that be whether they are the powers that ought to be. ~Sydney J. Harris

A citizen of America will cross the ocean to fight for democracy, but won't cross the street to vote in a national election. ~Bill Vaughan

It's not the voting that's democracy; it's the counting. ~Tom Stoppard, Jumpers

Politicians are like diapers. They both need changing regularly and for the same reason. ~Author Unknown

Hell, I never vote for anybody, I always vote against. ~W.C. Fields

Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote. ~George Jean Nathan

How come we choose from just two people to run for president and 50 for Miss America? ~Author Unknown

November 3, 2008

It's fun to dress up, so we did.....
It's always cool to see the kids dress up for the Friday Harbor elementary School Costume Parade (or as it's known around here, "THE Parade"), as well as the kids at the high school & all the adults around town. I went around shooting pictures so you could get an idea of what the day looked like around the island.

So, here are:

Photos of the FHES kids & adults
Photos of kids at FHHS
Photos of folks out in the streets & tavs in the evening

It was fun!

Daylight savings time kicks in.....
If you were the first one to work today, it may be because you forgot to set your clock back. Yawn.

Another guy growing a beard for the Town Centennial...
It was good to see County Council's Rich Petersen (right) on's coming along pretty well!

About that $100 fine....
You know the sign that says if you leave your car unattended in the ferry parking lot you get a $100 fine? That's probably true, but that's not the worst of it. It's when they make fun of you.

On Saturday, I cleverly (I thought) put my car in line at 6:30am or so, thinking the ferry was gonna be packed with FHHS volleyball players, FHHS soccer players, and a bunch of kid soccer teams. Then I went and got breakfast & woke up my son & all that, and got back at 7:45am for the 8:10 ferry.

Of course, the efficient ferry folks were already up to lane 7 by then, and there was my little abandoned & somewhat lonesome Toyota in lane one. Luckily they put me on anyway, so that everyone on the boat could make fun of me - "Did you lose your keys?" "Hey, did you sleep in?" "It's dark - I can see how you you wouldn't be sure where the car was!" and so on.

On rare occasions one does hear of a miraculous case of a married couple falling in love after marriage, but on close examination it will be found that it is a mere adjustment to the inevitable.
Emma Goldman

Click here for last week's (and yesterday's) news...

Ian Byington sings

The information here is simply stuff we here at By Design think is important around Friday Harbor or on San Juan Island.

Some of it is news, some of it is old news, and all are just things we wanted to mention, with most of it about the things that make living here great.

There will be more next week, if anything happens.

Ian Byington

This site prepared by our friends at By Design in Friday Harbor.
The information contained here is
©Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,
2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and next year, too
by Ian Byington/By Design, Friday Harbor on San Juan Island, WA in the USA.

Unauthorized reuse of the content of these pages is prohibited;
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Canadians welcome.

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