Island Senior: Time to Vote for the Mullis Center Board.

Posted October 31, 2018 at 5:49 am by

Island Senior is a regular column on the San Juan Update written by Peggy Sue McRae…

Its time to vote! Not just in the November 6 general election but its time to elect board members for the Mullis Center Operations Committee.  Eligible voters are anyone 60 years of age and older, or disabled, and a resident of San Juan Island in 2018. If you are a member of the Mullis Center and receive the Senior Signalsnewsletter you ballot is enclosed. Otherwise, you can stop by the Mullis Center at 589 Nash Street to vote. To mail in your, ballot be sure to print your name and address on the envelope and mail your stamped envelope to, The Mullis Center, P.O. Box 684, Friday Harbor, WA 98250. You may vote for as many as seven candidates including write-ins. Those who have applied are profiled below. Ballots must be received by 2:00 pm on November 26, 2018. Be sure to “read more” to see all of the candidates.

Carolyn Adler – Contributed photo

Carolyn Adler: I am running for re-election to the board. It has been my pleasure to be your Treasurer for the last two years. I have lived in Friday Harbor for over 25 years and love living in this community. My two kids–a daughter and a son-graduated from Friday Harbor High School. I have

three grandkids–two boys and one girl. One of my grandsons lives here and goes to the Middle School. I am a volunteer for the Mullis Center in the kitchen for Senior Lunches on Mondays and Thursdays. When we have Friday Fun Bingo Lunch you will see me there. Volunteering for the Center is so much fun. Sometimes I volunteer as a driver for the Home Delivery Meals and work in the office when I am needed. Thank you for your support!

Nancy Geist – Contributed photo

Nancy Geist: I’m new to the island and even newer to the Mullis Center (March 2018), but I am by no means a newbie to volunteering. Since being at the Center, I have become active in volunteering in the office a couple of shifts each week, helping with the Nutrition Program by cashiering, serving meals and delivering

for the Home Delivery Meal program, and working on various special projects. I also volunteer for the Pancake Breakfast and am serving as interim Secretary on the Operations Committee board. I also chair the Membership Committee, maintain the membership database and serve on the Election Planning Committee. I really enjoy being part of the Mullis Center activities and programs for the betterment of San Juan Island seniors. I would appreciate your vote to continue on the board for a new three-year term. Continue Reading

OPALCO Town Hall

Posted October 31, 2018 at 5:42 am by

Let’s talk about YOUR electric co-op

Join the OPALCO board for town hall style listening sessions. Have some feedback to share with OPALCO leadership? Stop by one of these sessions to ask questions or engage in conversation with your elected co-op board.

  • November 12: Lopez Library @ 5:30 pm
  • November 13: Shaw Community Hall @ 1:00 pm
  • November 13: Friday Harbor OPALCO office @ 5:30 pm
  • November 14: Eastsound OPALCO office @ 5:30 pm

The OPALCO board of directors is in the process of finalizing the 2019 budget and upcoming rates. They would love to hear from the members as they move forward into planning for next year and beyond.

Check for details on these events and other co-op happenings.

Late Ballots

Posted October 30, 2018 at 5:54 am by

Here’s a press release from the office of the SJC Auditor, F. Milene Henley…

Have you received your ballot for the November 6 election?

All ballots were mailed on October 16. Yet an extraordinary number of late and misdirected ballots have been reported to the Elections Office this election. Part of the problem was explained last week, when the Seattle Post Office acknowledged that a pallet of ballots had been mis-delivered. Those ballots were returned to Seattle and re-delivered late the same week. Most of the San Juan Island ballots showed up at the Friday Harbor Post Office on Monday, October 22, and most voters reported having received theirs by last Wednesday.

We are still hearing scattered reports of undelivered ballots, however. We are hopeful that most ballots will catch up with voters in the next day or two, but we do not want to count on it. So if your ballot is still missing, please contact the Elections Office. We will mail you a replacement ballot, and/or direct you to an online location from which you can download a ballot. Continue Reading

Four Artists. One Day. Art Show

Posted October 30, 2018 at 5:49 am by

Join four San Juan Island artists for a one day, pop up art show.

Laura Bauer – Painting & Sculpture
Joe Miller – Watercolor & Oil Painting
Joe Cooper – Painting & Sculpture
Paula West – Ceramics

November 3, 2018
San Juan County Fairgrounds 4H Building
Friday Harbor, San Juan Island

Paula West
[email protected]

San Juan Community Theatre Announces Updated Mission and Vision

Posted October 30, 2018 at 5:40 am by

At the September 28th meeting of San Juan Community Theatre Board of Trustees, the Board voted to update the Mission and Vision statements of the Theatre as follows:

Mission: Enriching community through performing arts

Vision: San Juan Community Theatre engages community through performing arts, inspiring island residents and visitors of all ages.

From Executive Artistic Director, Nathan Kessler-Jeffrey: “Not long after I arrived, we had a member meeting at which we were discussing the importance of mission and someone asked, ‘What is the mission of the Theatre?’ You could’ve heard a pin drop. Everyone in the room knew the value of the performing arts to the community, they understood the sense of family and the excitement of seeing live stage productions, but no one could quote the mission. One of the reasons I’m so excited about our updated Mission and Vision statements is that they retain the fundamental values of SJCT, but they’re memorable enough that we can use them in day-to-day operations. A mission you can remember is a mission you can use to make decisions.”

During a strategic planning process over the summer, SJCT gathered board members, volunteers, and staff to look at the core strengths and challenges for the organization. The consensus was that an updated Mission and Vision that accurately reflected the core principals while maintaining a memorable brevity would be most effective in guiding SJCT into the 30th season in the building and beyond.

From Kessler-Jeffrey: “The Board and I feel that the benefit of examining and updating these statements is a renewed focus on the heart of what makes us a Community Theatre. I want to put ‘Enriching community through performing arts’ on a T-shirt. It calls to my ideals, and feels like something we can all rally behind. It reminds us that we’re serving everyone who walks through our doors—audiences, artists, students, teachers, administrators, tourists, island residents and visitors of all ages.”

Rotary Gift Recipients

Posted October 29, 2018 at 5:49 am by

Left to right: Mariluz Villa and John Lackey of Hospice of San Juan, Brian Moore of Family Umbrella Group, Rotarian Paul Mayer for PolioPlus Fund, and Cindy Gutierrez of Family Resource Center – Contributed photo

The Rotary Club of San Juan Islands recently presented checks to the recipients of proceeds from the 12th annual Concours d’Élégance held on August 26 at the San Juan Vineyards. This event was co-sponsored by the Sports Car Club of San Juan Islands.  Each organization received $4,517.00. PolioPlus Fund of Rotary International received $1,000.00.

Please support our recipients as well as the following sponsors: Porsche Bellevue, Heritage Bank, Peace Island Medical Center, San Juan Vineyards, Aeronautical Services, Dr. Brian Crain, Discovery Sea Kayaks, Earthbox, Finish Line Auto Repair, Friday Harbor Drug, Friday Harbor Electric, Friday Harbor House, Goddu, Langlie, Sandstrom; Harbor Rental, Islanders Bank, Island Garden Co., Kenmore Air, King’s Market, Lowe Construction, M & W Auto, Road Scholars, Roche Harbor, Safe Harbor Insurance, San Juan Interiors, San Juan Propane, Island Group: Island Group: Sotheby’s, West Mechanical, Printonyx, Windermere – San Juan Island.

Employers: Get Ready For Paid Leave

Posted October 29, 2018 at 5:48 am by

EDC offers paid family and medical leave law workshop, presented by the Washington ESD

Business owners and bookkeepers will learn the details of Washington State’s new paid family and medical leave law at an informative workshop this November.  Join the San Juan County Economic Development Council (EDC) and the Washington State Employment Security Department (ESD), for a free and illuminating workshop entitled, Employers: Get Ready For Paid Leave on November 13th, from 12 p.m. till 3 p.m. at Heritage Bank in Friday Harbor.

The class will cover the new Paid Family & Medical Leave Law requiring employers to provide paid sick leave to most employees beginning this year. Business owners and bookkeepers will receive an overview of Initiative 1433, which changed state law regarding minimum wage, ensuring tips and service charges are given to the appropriate staff, and requiring employers to provide paid sick leave.

Details:  Friday Harbor, Tuesday, November 13th, from 12 p.m. till 3 p.m. at Heritage Bank in Friday Harbor.  The workshop is FREE, but advanced reservations are required. For questions, please call (360) 378-2906 or email: Summer Martin at [email protected]

The EDC thanks Heritage Bank, Islanders Bank and San Juan Propane for their support of this workshop and other EDC initiatives. 

The San Juan County Economic Development Council (EDC) strives to strengthen and diversify the economy of San Juan County.  We believe a strong economy builds a strong community. 

Marketing 101

Posted October 29, 2018 at 5:47 am by

EDC and Visitors’ Bureau present workshop entitled Marketing 101

Marketing is changing at lightning speed due to rapid changes in platforms on the internet and social media. 

Business entrepreneurs can learn how to stay ahead of the changes by participating in a FREE workshop offered by the San Juan County Economic Development Council (EDC), in partnership with the San Juan Islands Visitors’ Bureau, on November 6th, 2018, from 10-11a at Heritage Bank in Friday Harbor.

Workshop attendees will learn both old-fashioned and new-fangled key elements of marketing a small business, from research and branding, to e-newsletters and print brochures, to social media and websites, to media relations and community relations.  Instructors Deborah Hopkins Buchanan and Barbara Marrett will answer questions such as “What is SEO?“, “What is content marketing?” and “What is an influencer?” along the way. Continue Reading

Pet of the Week

Posted October 29, 2018 at 5:46 am by

Dudley is this week’s Pet of the Week – Contributed photo

Well hello there. My name is Dudley. I may look like I’m a deep thinker but, 99% of the time I’m thinking of ways to outsmart the red dot. The rest of the time I’m napping.

If these are things you enjoy doing, give me call. I’m here at the animal shelter. Thinking.

Animal Protection Society of Friday Harbor
994 Cattle Point Road
(360) 378-2158

Deceptive Mailer

Posted October 28, 2018 at 8:56 pm by

San Juan County voters beware: There is apparently a deceptive mailer circulating in our county encouraging you to ignore the names on your ballot for Sheriff and instead write in Undersheriff Zac Reimer.

Please see the response below found on Facebook from Zac:

It is a shame that I have to set the record straight, but I feel that I must. I have learned that unauthorized mailers have been mailed out stating that you should write my name in for the upcoming Sheriff election.

PLEASE DO NOT WRITE MY NAME IN. I did not approve or authorize this, I am not running for Sheriff, and I feel that this was a very unethical political move. People running for election should do so on their own merit or they have no business running at all.

Furthermore I endorse Ron Krebs for San Juan County Sheriff and I back him 100 percent. Thank you Ron for all that you do for us and making SJCSO a great place to come to work everyday!

Note that the name of the person or organization that paid for the mailer is not disclosed. The logo of the County Sheriff’s office is also used. Both are among the violations of state campaign finance law.

Filthy Tricks

Posted October 28, 2018 at 8:37 pm by

Here’s a letter to you from Eric and Audra Adelberger…

We are disappointed to find that some shady group without the courage to identify themselves is attempting to interfere in our local election for San Juan County sheriff by distributing a mailer that urges voters to write in the name of Zac Reimer for sheriff. Zac has posted that he is not behind this and is 100% for the candidacy of Ron Krebs.

Filthy tricks like these do not belong in our society, and are the hallmarks of people who know that their agenda is opposed by most voters and that the only way they can win is by deception and dirty tricks.

Please vote in a way that sends a clear message to whatever group is behind this dirty effort. We hope that the County puts some resources into finding out who is responsible for this outrage.

Eric and Audra Adelberger

Happy Halloween!

Posted October 28, 2018 at 10:00 am by

Your Friday Harbor Kiwanis Club will again be distributing bags of Halloween candy Sunday to the residents of the Greenway subdivision, this year from Spruce Street to Rose Lane off Argyle.

Happy Halloween!

Wolverine Fall Playoff Update

Posted October 27, 2018 at 5:47 am by

Fall Season is again winding down, and it is time for those teams that qualified to make their post-season runs. This year we have the potential for 3 of our 4 fall teams to make the post season. A reminder, in general, all post season brackets and parings can be found by navigating through our league website at  

We also would like you to know that 3 Fall teams were once again recognized for academic achievement by the WIAA. Those receiving recognition this Fall were, Volleyball, Girls Soccer and Boys Soccer. These student athletes work very hard and overcome some unique obstacles due to travel based on our geographic location, yet they continue to earn high academic honors.

Thank you for your support of these students. Here’s the fall playoff picture: Continue Reading

LWV Hosts Book Discussion

Posted October 27, 2018 at 5:45 am by

The League of Women Voters’ November program will be a discussion of sociologist Arlie Russell Hochschild’s “Strangers in Their Own Land,” 2018 edition.

Like many, Hochschild wanted to come up with useful ways to work toward healing the nation’s divide. She went from blue Berkeley to red Louisiana over a five-year period, talked with people — mostly Tea Party members — she met there and listened for the “deep stories” behind their choices and actions. She asked herself repeatedly what is needed to “climb the empathy wall.”

By the end of the book, when discussing the current political situation, she also indirectly raises the question: Do we here in the San Juans sometimes feel like strangers in our own land?

The meeting will be at 12:30 p.m., Nov. 12, at the San Juan Island Library. Use the outside door for entrance, as the main entrance will be closed due to the holiday.

Now’s the Time to Submit Your Comments for the SRKW’s

Posted October 26, 2018 at 4:36 pm by

Dear Safe Shippers and Orca Protectors,

Governor Inslee’s Southern Resident Killer Whale Recovery and Task Force has issued round 2 of the draft recommendations for actions — winnowing 63 recommendations to 36. This is our chance to comment on every one — for the orca!

The Southern Residents are well-represented by this hard working Task Force (many fellow islanders have a seat at the table), so let’s help them help the orca by showing that we care. On the first round, 3,400 public comments were received! Thank you for taking previous action, now let’s top that on this next round!


How to Comment:

  • Take the survey on the Task Force online public comment portal.
    Comments must be submitted no later than midnight, Monday, October 29, 2018.
  • Via U.S. Mail (postmarked by October 29):
    Puget Sound Partnership
    Attn: SRKW Draft Recommendations
    326 East D Street
    Tacoma WA 98421


Need Help Commenting? Continue Reading