Waterfowl Walk

Posted December 7, 2017 at 5:49 am by

Trumpeter Swans – Contributed photo

San Juan Island Family Nature Club Monthly Event – Waterfowl Walk!

Saturday, December 16, 2017 from 1:00 to 2:00pm at Zylstra Lake, San Juan Island

Shona Aitken of Wolf Hollow will lead a winter stroll around Zylstra Lake, a popular stop for overwintering water fowl, including Trumpeter Swans.

Limited space available. Contact Tanja Williamson for details and to register. (360) 378-4402 or [email protected]

On Book! Readers Theatre

Posted December 7, 2017 at 5:46 am by

San Juan Community Theatre’s next On Book! Readers Theatre features the very talented students of the Spring Street International School’s theater arts class.  

Directed by Krista Strutz, the students take on Tina Howe’s East of the Sun and West of the Moon this Thursday and Friday, December 7-8 at 7:30 pm in the Gubelman.   

Taken from a Norwegian folk tale, this story is of a young girl sent away by her mean-spirited mother to live with the enchanting trolls. 

Admission is FREE!  Doors open at 6:30 pm.

Severe Weather Shelter Update

Posted December 7, 2017 at 5:42 am by

Many volunteers and moving parts are very close to coming together so that it appears possible a Severe Weather Shelter in Friday Harbor may be close at hand.

Three things must align in order to activate a shelter at the onset of severe weather: Cold, volunteers, and a site. During the regular meeting of shelter volunteers and organizers today it was concluded that, following a training session to be held this Saturday, December 9th from 9-noon at the Mullis Center, a severe weather shelter may be ready to go as early as December 10th.

The Plan:
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Jo Bailey, Aug. 15, 1928 – Oct. 13, 2017

Posted December 6, 2017 at 8:15 pm by

“The word ‘gusto’ could have been invented for her”

Jo Bailey sailing on Sea Witch with Sammy the dog and Shanghai the cat – Contributed photo

Jo Bailey, who worked on the Friday Harbor Journal as a reporter and columnist for 12 years beginning in 1977, died October 13 in Port Townsend.

She came here on her 30′ wooden sloop, Sea Witch, and despite having almost no newspaper experience persuaded Larry Duthie, then the new owner of the Journal, to hire her.

She was hired first to write a regular column about the waterfront, and produced columns that were on-time and accurate, so he soon offered her a reporting job. As he tells it now, “She knew nothing about news writing, but what she did have from the beginning was a keen nose for news and boundless enthusiasm. She could ferret out stories like an old pro.”

For example, she discovered that the school board was meeting secretly on the ferry, trying to figure out how to deal with a superintendent who was over-spending his budget. She got the story, and the secret meetings came to an end.

Bill Ristow, whom Larry had hired as his new editor in 1981, calls her a “good solid community journalist, curious about what was going on and eager to tell stories about it to her readers, and she knew how to tell those stories both honestly and with respect for their subject.”

He adds, “But I must say what I remember the most about Jo, both as a colleague and years after that as a friend, was her nature. The word ‘gusto’ could have been invented for her. Everything she did, everyone she talked to or about, she did it with enthusiasm and an infectious spirit that was impossible to resist.” Continue Reading

Chardonnay Shopping

Posted December 6, 2017 at 3:38 pm by

Hello all lovely ladies! We are really looking forward to Thursday, December  7th! We have around 20 businesses that are participating in this event by offering discounts, special store hours and or snacks and beverages:)

Please come out and support our wonderful local businesses and let them know you are part of the Chardonnay Shopping team for your discounts! We will all meet up at Haley’s at 1:00 to start the day off with a beverage and then hit the streets shopping.

Visit the 2017 Chardonnay Shopping Facebook page to take a peek at all of the businesses that are participating in this fun filled day.  We are starting a yearly tradition in this awesome community, please take part!

The Seven Joys of Christmas

Posted December 6, 2017 at 11:10 am by

The San Juan Singers celebrate Christmas and the winter season in songs and carols.

The anchor piece is “The Seven Joys of Christmas,” by Kirke Mechem, accompanied by a small chamber ensemble. The Joy of Love, the Joy of Bells, the Joy of Mary, the Joy of Children, the Joy of the New Year, the Joy of Dance, the Joy of Song: each one of these Joys is represented by a Christmas carol or winter anthem in this suite of songs.

This concert is filled with beautiful and sometimes amusing settings of familiar carols and anthems, poems and songs of the season of joy.

Songs by local composers Mary WillAllen, Teddy Deane, and Richard Hieronymus will be featured.

Saturday, December 9th at 7:30 pm and Sunday, December 10 at 2:00 pm at the San Juan Community Theatre.

Adults $20.00
Student Reserved $10 (tax included)
Student RUSH $5 at door only

The Business Partner for this production is Lake Kennedy McCulloch CPAs

Bouncing Back

Posted December 6, 2017 at 9:46 am by

SJI Historical Society photo

Here is this month’s history column from the San Juan Historical Society and Museum…

Bouncing back to 1947-48 Friday Harbor Basketball

This gem of a sports photo is especially prized for its identification of each person in the Friday Harbor High School Boys Basketball team portrait from 70 years ago. Who do you recognize in this photo? 

Back row, left to right: Manager Harry Youngberg, David Kimple, Roger Loring, Richard Wade, Richard Dixon, John Wade, Charles Anderson, Ted Schuman, Jim Wilson, Coach Ed Hannah. Front row, left to right: James Lynd, Larry Getz

We don’t know if the team had a winning record in 1947-48, but we sure like this photo and wish the best for all our island teams this school year. If you have a Friday Harbor team photo from decades gone by and would like to share it for the archives collection of the San Juan Historical Society and Museum, won’t you please let us know?

Master Gardeners Assist Town in Rain Garden Cleanup

Posted December 6, 2017 at 5:52 am by

(L-R) Jon Gustafson, Alison Longley, Megan Jones, Sarena Schumacher, and Julia Turney. Not pictured, Caitlin Blethen – Matt Pranger photo

Sarena Schumacher – Matt Pranger photo

Town employees and volunteer WSU Master Gardeners recently completed Phase One of the rejuvenation of the Spring Street rain garden located at the northeast corner of Spring and First Streets. Phase One involved removing 25 five-gallon buckets of silt, removing and cleaning river rock, pulling weeds and unhealthy plants, and cleaning out the catch basin. Phase Two will include replanting the garden this spring.

“The volunteers were amazing,” said Town parks employee Sarena Schumacher who worked with fellow employee Jon Gustafson and Master Gardeners Caitlin Blethen, Megan Jones, Alison Longley, and Julia Turney, who traveled from Orcas to assist. “I would never have accomplished this project without their time, dedication, and hard labor.” She said their ultimate goal is not only to improve the filtration efficiency but also to create a beautiful space. Continue Reading

Owls Are Out!

Posted December 6, 2017 at 5:48 am by

Saw Whet Owl – Contributed photo

When you’re driving home from work, keep an eye out for owls.

At this time of year its dark when most people are heading home from work so owls are already out hunting. They may be so focused on catching the mouse in the long grass at the side of the road that they don’t notice the oncoming vehicle until it’s too late. Their light sensitive eyes are dazzled by the headlights, they are hit by the car and end up as a pile of soft feathers at the side of the road.

Fortunately not all of these owls are killed. Some suffer from head, eye or wing injuries and come to rehab centers like Wolf Hollow for care. During fall and winter we see all kinds of injured owls, from big Great Horned Owls, with a wing span of almost 4 feet, to Barred and Barn Owls, and tiny Saw Whets, only 7 inches tall. The majority of them have been hit by cars.

Some of these accidents could be prevented if we all remember to be extra careful when we’re driving after dark because Owls Are Out!

Winter Classes at SVC

Posted December 6, 2017 at 5:45 am by

Winter – Contributed photo

Join a winter class at the San Juan Center of Skagit Valley College

The quiet months of winter are a perfect time for reflection and self-awareness classes. Join one or both of the classes below to improve connection to yourself and the world around you.

Call the San Juan Center of Skagit Valley College, (360) 378-3220, for additional class information or to register.

Click below to learn about the classes Finding Connection in Difficult Times and Yi Ren Qi Gong for Self-Care: Continue Reading

Insights from the Summit

Posted December 6, 2017 at 5:43 am by

San Juan Island and Lopez Island Prevention Coalitions meet up in Yakima for the WA. State Prevention Summit. Youth, Chaperones and Coordinators working together to create positive change in our communities – Contributed photo

This article written by Debbi Fincher, SJIPC Media

The San Juan Island Prevention Coalition, (SJIPC) helps support youth leadership training opportunities for local teens, with an ask to give back to their community with their new skills. The Washington State Prevention Summit in Yakima draws over 400 youth.

Rock Solid, a youth prevention club, was created by Zach Fincher on the car ride home after attending his first Summit in 2011. In May 2017, Rock Solid won Grand Prize for their community project at the Spring Youth Forum. Rock Solid was asked to present at this year’s Summit.

Here’s what some of their members had to say: Continue Reading

Successful Fundraiser at SJCT

Posted December 5, 2017 at 5:50 am by

There was an outpouring of generosity this past Saturday at San Juan Community Theatre’s annual Holiday Festival fundraiser.  More than $108,000 was raised for the Theatre’s ongoing mission to provide entertainment, volunteer, and educational opportunities. 

“We are truly fortunate to have so many people in our community who support the arts,” said SJCT Promotion Director Jan Bollwinkel.  “From the businesses that donated gift certificates or services for the silent and live auctions to the friends who bid on those items to the many volunteers who keep the Theatre going all year round… we can’t thank you enough!”

Tamara Weaver was there with camera in hand and has these photos to share of the evening. Who all do you recognize? Continue Reading

Positions Available on the Town Planning Commission

Posted December 5, 2017 at 5:41 am by

Are you interested in becoming more involved with the community and helping guide the Town’s future development? The Town of Friday Harbor is seeking volunteers to fill vacancies on the Town Planning Commission.

The five-member Planning Commission meets regularly and acts as the fact finding agency of the Town with respect to growth and development. To that end, the Commission has the continuing duty to review the Town Comprehensive Plan and make recommendations to the Town Council concerning matters relating to land use. Vacancies are filled by the appointment of the Mayor with the consent of the Town Council.

To be considered, you need to live within town limits and submit your letter of interest to the Mayor’s office at the Town of Friday Harbor, 60 Second Street/P.O. Box 219, Friday Harbor, WA 98250. For more information, contact Mike Bertrand in the Community Development Department at: (360) 378 – 2810 or [email protected].

Pet of the Week

Posted December 4, 2017 at 5:51 am by

Tommy is this week’s Pet of the Week – Contributed photo

Usually we let our dogs and cats speak for themselves in this column, but Tommy is a bit on the shy side and needs us to help him.

A golden lab mix, Tommy is about 18 months old and extremely handsome. He was rescued in Chapala Mexico, where he lived with his mother and sister in a foster home until he was given the opportunity to fly to Seattle in October to have a chance at a forever home.

When he first arrived he was a happy, outgoing guy who loved everybody and lived to please. Over time, he became more and more withdrawn and depressed. Perhaps he misses his family in Mexico or maybe he just isn’t cut out for shelter life.

Tommy is very shy when first meeting new people, but warms up quickly when he gets to know folks. We know he is a fabulous dog; very smart and well-mannered, and good with cats and other dogs. He will be a loyal companion and will give everything he’s got to his lucky adoptive family. This sweet boy just needs to learn to trust in the safety and comfort of his own home.

Visit www.apsfh.com to see more pictures of him, including a video.

Soroptimists Accepting Applications for Educational/Training Awards

Posted December 4, 2017 at 5:49 am by

The Soroptimists of Friday Harbor are currently accepting applications for their “Educational Opportunity” and “Fellowship” awards. Eligible women who are residents of San Juan County are encouraged to apply.

The $2,000 Educational Opportunity Award is for a woman in financial need, who is enrolled or accepted into an undergraduate degree or vocational skills program.

The $3,000 Fellowship Award is for a woman who has been established in business or in another profession, and who is now returning to college or university to earn an advanced degree.  

For details and information on how to apply, visit the Soroptimist website at www.sifri.org. Applications must be postmarked by January 12th, 2018. To help fund these and other educational awards, the Soroptimists will be selling raffle tickets for cash prizes at Friday Harbor Marketplace on December 9th and December 16th. Support the Soroptimists – support women and girls.

Home for the Howl-idays

Posted December 4, 2017 at 5:46 am by

A holiday celebration to benefit the animals in care at Wolf Hollow Wildlife Rehab Center and Friday Harbor Animal Protection Society! We’re teaming up to ring in the holiday season with this family-friendly event featuring festive food, drink, hourly raffles and general merry-making!

Enjoy a cozy afternoon with family and friends, shop from our selection of holiday gifts and treats from our sweet shoppe, and select a tag from our giving tree to make a gift to the animals.

Saturday, December 9th at the Grange from 2:00 to 6:00 pm. Admission is free!