Dennis R Hazelton

October 9, 2015

To the Editor,

A few thoughts about the upcoming election for the hospital board.

Monica and Bill Bill have been endorsed by the San Juan County Democratic Party and have not bothered to distance themselves or renounce the endorsement in a non-partisan election.  In addition, the endorsement of all three by “Planned Parenthood” in light of recent revelations strikes me as strange.

Does anybody really think islanders are naive enough to believe Monica, Bill Bill and Barbara are not running a partisan slate to be three controllers of a 5 member board?  Look at the roadside signs and the newspaper ads with all three names.  The “Committee to Elect Barbara, Bill and Monica” actually stated “We need all three for a majority”.  All three denied this when asked individually at the last informational meeting.  Reminds me of the brouhaha with our last group of SJC Council persons and their chicanery so disturbing to so many that they were voted out of office.

Peace Health Hospital is not owned by a church, is not directed by a church and does not report to a church. So how does “…separation of church and state…” enter the debate?
The laws regarding “…death with dignity…” and “…reproductive rights…”  in Washington State both have absolutely clear restrictions against any person being forced to violate their conscience in pursuit of the tenets of those laws.  Are Monica, Bill Bill and Sharp dim enough to believe that either of these state laws trump the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution?  Do they seriously believe our tax money should be spent in such a frivolous lawsuit?

It is plain to me that their troika is determined to embroil the hospital district in protracted and expensive legal battles that would endanger the best overall medical availability we have ever had on the island.
Neither Jenny, Doc Hancock nor Michelle have engaged in campaigns as displayed above.  All three of them are principled, hardworking, intelligent and honest individuals who hope to be elected on their merits and what they can bring to the Peace Health Board to foster the best possible emergency and health care services on our island.

Dennis R Hazelton