Letter to the editor: Francis & Rebecca Smith

Jan. 27, 2022

Quite a few folks have asked us about the “Vote No” signs, so we thought we’d send out a short explanation as to why we are voting no on the EMS levy.

First – and most importantly – EMS is here to stay and will not disappear if you vote no. We would never vote for something that would dismantle our emergency services.

What a no vote will do is facilitate the integration of Fire and EMS because, plain and simple, combining Fire and EMS is what makes the most sense for our community.

How do we know? We were volunteer EMTs and firefighters for 25 years and Rebecca was a Fire and PHD commissioner for 8 years. We are passionate about the level of care in our islands.

Our first responders need to be together in one agency to make sure we all have the most cost-effective and coordinated emergency care when we need it most.

Committees and advisory groups, experts, elected officials, and we voters have all loudly stated our wish: combine Fire and EMS.

It’s unfortunate that this has become overly political with misrepresentations, skewed facts and personal attacks. The concept that voting no will improve our emergency services is also a difficult concept to convey.

But that’s exactly what a no vote will accomplish: one consolidated agency for all emergency services.

Francis & Rebecca Smith
San Juan Island residents 37 years
Volunteer Firefighters/EMTs 25 years
Fire and PHD Commissioner 8 years