Around here….

Posted April 21, 2010 at 9:18 am by

Early morning run through the streets of Friday Harbor.....

Early morning run through the streets of Friday Harbor.....

Let’s catch up a bit….

• Tonight’s the last night for Pazzo Vivo – drop by when you get a chance!

That was Dick Hieronymus over at Printonyx the other day....

That was Dick Hieronymus over at Printonyx the other day....

• We have a lot of songwriters around here, but when was the last time you backed it up with a symphony? Here’s what Richard Hieronymus and Devorah have been up to, in a writeup on Bob Sanders’ blog.

Moving: Here’s a note from Miles Crossen: “Stepping Stones Early Learning Center, located at 54 Marguerite Place in Friday Harbor will be moving to a new location in a few weeks.

“Starting in May the new location will be 720 Park Street (the old King Typesetting building), just a “Stone’s” throw from the Friday Harbor High School Football Field. For what it’s worth, the owner of Stepping Stones is very excited about the move and hopes her students and their parents will be equally excited as well.”

That's a great blue heron Jim Maya saw last weekend when he was out on the water....

That's a great blue heron Jim Maya saw last weekend when he was out on the water....

• The Kiwanis Club of Friday Harbor is now meeting at Vinny’s Restaurant each Thursday at noon…and you’re welcome to drop by & check it out.

• Remember we talked about Island Sitters, run by Courtney Oldwyn? Here’s the deal for Saturday:

I was wondering if you’d post our Island Sitters Park Play Date & Sitter Meet-n-Greet on the Update? It’s this Saturday, April 24th from 11-1pm at the fairgrounds playground. All of our sitters will be there so local families can bring the kids to play and meet our sitters!

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Categories: Around Here

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  1. Devorah on the mend… | San Juan Update

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