Rescue Drill
Posted May 11, 2013 at 6:55 pm by Tim Dustrude

Overturned school bus gives emergency responders good practice for their drill on Saturday morning at the Mullis Street Fire Station
The good news is, it was only a drill. The bad news is there were 19 people involved, 2 in the car, 17 on the bus, one fatality, 4 critically injured… but it’s really not bad news because it was just a drill. EMS was there, the fire department was there. Community volunteers and high school students… quite a big deal. If the photo above piqued your interest, click here for a slideshow of 186 more. See how they cut the bus open like a tin can and pull victims from the wreckage. Then see EMT’s and paramedics triage on the grass and tend to all the injuries. Good to know we have these great people here looking out for us.
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Categories: Around Here
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Great coverage, Tim. Thanks for being there.
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