Herb Mason for EMS Levy

To the Editor

Over the past few months I’ve been watching and listening to the many comments about the upcoming EMS levy. Some have been very positive and a few have shared how their lives were saved because of the dedicated, well trained aid crews. Others have voiced serious concerns over the financial woes that have plagued the mostly volunteer organization. Some have even gone so far as to say that the late Frank Wilson, the much revered and loved former chief of SJIEMS, would be rolling over in his grave over this, and I agree, but not for the reasons some would have you believe.

Frank developed a reputation as a gifted leader earned by his dedication to his job and the ability to bring people together. After some tough times following his tours in Vietnam, he found solace and peace by serving his community. I first got to know Frank in the 1970’s when I joined the town fire department as a high school sophomore. His mild temperament and trust in others made him a leader that we all respected and loved. Over the next few years he became many things to me, a friend, brother and after my dad passed a couple years later, a father figure. He showed by example that service to others is an honor. Because of people like Frank I’ve filled my adult life with service to our community. Leaders like him come along once in a lifetime. He built the foundation that San Juan Island Emergency Medical Services ideals rest on. Yes, there has been some poor management from both our prior chief and the hospital board but that foundation is as strong as ever! I do believe he may be spinning in his grave knowing that there are those that are willing to throw it all away. In our disposable society it has become so easy to discard what we think is broken. EMS deserves no less than it has done for so many, a sincere effort to be revived and be given a new lease on life.

The financial problems that haunt EMS companies across this country are growing. The levy only covers part of the expenses, the rest is made up from payments from Medicare, insurance and payment from those that live outside the service area. Little can be done about the shrinking reimbursements from Medicare or some insurance companies.

If you have never had the opportunity to help save a life, I can tell you that there is nothing like it in the world, now is your chance to do so. Please don’t throw away a world class organization, save it, repair it. We really don’t want to let it go and be faced with starting all over from scratch. Save your friends, save your spouse, save your neighbors, save our visitors, save your children and save yourself. Please, Save EMS.

Herb Mason

PO Box 68
Friday Harbor, WA 98250