Letter from Clare Kelm about Election Forums

There is an election coming up soon on November 3rd, and the League of Women Voters of the San Juans urges you to be sure to vote by that date.

As we have been doing for over 20 years here in the islands, the League will be presenting its non-partisan election forums covering all the local competitive races on the three main islands:

  • San Juan – October 6th at the Grange at 7:00
  • Orcas – October 7th at the American Legion Hall at 6:00
  • Lopez – October 8th at Grace Episcopal Church at 6:30.

The League does not support or oppose candidates, or political parties. Instead we invite you to come and hear all the candidates state their positions and answer questions so that you can be an informed voter. Be sure to take every opportunity before November 3rd to learn everything you can about all the candidates.

Remember: Vote and the choice is yours; don’t vote and the choice is theirs.

Clare Kelm
League of Women Voters of the San Juans (LWVSJ)