Letter from “Doc” Hancock

September 27, 2015

“Doc Hancock” replies to “Vote for Bill”

In her recent media posts titled ” Vote For Bill ” an island writer questioned my use of the M.A.S.H. Unit theme in this year’s 4Th of July Parade.

The Parade theme was “Hello Hollywood”.   I own an old Willys Jeep which was an ideal Parade float to honor the Movie and TV show M.A.S.H.

The author wrote, “It’s Bill Williams who actually ran a M.A.S.H. Unit in Korea during the Vietnam War and thus started his career in hospital administration”.

Parade watchers did not think any of the costumed islanders riding on the Pirate Ship float were claiming to be actual pirates. I never assumed my Hawk Eye costume or the old Jeep would mislead anyone.

I did feel that assuming the campaign name “Doc Hancock” would help voters distinguish between William Hancock and William Williams who is my opponent for Hospital District Commission position #5.

William Williams and I both performed military service.  William Williams chose administrative duties in Korea during the Vietnam War.

I chose to be a Navy Flight Surgeon on active flight status within the Vietnam combat zone. My duty was to fly with my squadrons from the Aircraft Carrier Kearsarge in the Tonkin Gulf on frequent war patrols and rescue missions.

Bill’s resume shows that his career after military service continued to focus primarily upon administrative duties with little evidence of time being available for the front line duties of direct patient care.  I was active in both areas.

I have thirty years combined experience as both a practicing surgeon and a successful manager of a medical facility comparable in size and number of personnel to Peace Island Medical Center.   I am well prepared to assume the oversight responsibilities of the Hospital District Board.

I plan to actively support new solutions to our local needs including the Community Health Consortium Resource Guide, possible EMS participation in a Community Paramedicine Program and the new Veteran’s Choice Program.

My primary duty and only agenda as a District Commissioner will be to promote the health and safety of all islanders through effective and open stewardship of taxpayer funds.

William Hancock MD.  “Doc Hancock “