Lois James for Dwight Colley and Against Fire District/EMS Levy

After listening to the debate held by the League of Women Voters, I would like to comment on a statement made by Bob Jarman, incumbent Fire Commissioner.  A viewer asked the question of why the Fire District is proposing a levy (tax increase).   He answered, “It will be used to replace obsolete equipment.”  Was he referring to fire department equipment or EMS?  I did a bit of research regarding his answer. 

On October 29, the EMS is scheduled to receive a new ambulance ($300,000.00) and two months ago received a state-of-the-art medic sprint rig ($65,000.00).  Both were fully paid for out of the Hospital District’s Capital Improvement Fund.  Additionally out of this fund, the Hospital District was able to pay off, in advance, a $2,000,000.00 loan used to construct the EMS building.

Mr. Jarman must have been referring to fire equipment.  Therefore, why doesn’t the Fire District have a capital improvement fund capable of replacing their “obsolete” equipment.  Are you aware that if the Fire Department/EMS integration goes through, the Fire District must purchase all EMS equipment from the Hospital District.  This means the public’s tax dollars would be spent twice for all EMS equipment: once for original purchase by the Hospital District and a second time when the Fire District acquires it from the Hospital District.  Why should the tax payer be asked to pay for the same expensive equipment twice? 

All we tax payers want is fiscal responsibility for all public funded operations. 

On November 2 ballot — vote NO on the Fire District levy — Vote for Dwight Colley for Fire Commissioner for a more fiscal responsible Fire District.

Lois James