Park volunteer: Andrea Wieland

Posted July 4, 2009 at 12:02 am by

Andrea Wieland

Andrea Wieland

This summer Erin Corra (Lime Kiln’s interpretive specialist) and I are running a series about the good folks who volunteer each summer – here’s more about Andrea, who answered some questions Erin put to her:

Name: Andrea Wieland
Number of years visiting &/or living in the San Juan archipelago: 17
Occupation in your real, or unreal, life: Business Manager for a consulting firm
Furthest place in world from LKPSP that you have visited: Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica or Cape Agulhas, South Africa (probably Cape Agulhas)
Major passions, besides the whales: Cats, traveling, gardening, natural history, bird and animal watching

What inspired you to volunteer at Lime Kiln Point State Park?
My interest in marine wildlife and to get involved in the community.
What is it that you most enjoy about volunteering here?
Talking to people about the whales and island life and points of interest.
Any memorable park experience that sticks out since volunteering?
Nothing yet – I’m still a “newbie.”

If you were limited to only one sentence, how would you describe these islands to a visitor right off the ferry?
Verdant, teeming with animal and bird life, and with topography that changes from one end of the island to the other — all very magical — like no other part of our country.
What is something that you have learned since volunteering at the park?
How to operate a cash register!
If you were a kabillionaire and cost was no object, what one thing would you buy & donate to the park?  No lump sums of cash accepted…
➢    A cannon to fire warning shots at boats and kayakers that get too close to the whales! (just kidding)
➢    A full-time lobbyist who represents Lime Kiln’s interests at both the state and federal levels.

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