Where is tomorrow's farmer?

Posted September 2, 2009 at 12:58 am by

Linda Cobos told me about this little video – I sure enjoyed watching it, and I think you will, too. Here’s more from the Slow Food/Land & Sea blog:

We just got this note from our friend, filmmaker Mike Hurwicz of Orcas Island: “I am happy and excited to inform you that we have completed a ten-minute video, “Where Is Tomorrow’s Farmer?”, that includes footage of the Farmers Market, Thirsty Goose Farm, Heritage Farm and the Community Garden at Ackley’s Corner.”

The entire video,’Where Is Tomorrow’s Farmer?’, was shot on San Juan Island. It looks at the issue of bringing younger people into sustainable farming, and features commentary from island farmers and other community members who know how important it is that we all look at the value of of this kind of work, and how important it is that the age-old knowledge of how to feed ourselves is retained and passed on.

We’d like as many people in the community as possible to see it.

So, send a link to your friends, and when you see Jim Lawrence, Jim Sesby, Bequin, and the other farmers and community members who are in this video, strike up a conversation, and see if there’s a way you can take part in giving our kids an opportunity to carry on this important and rewarding work in our community.

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Categories: Enviro Corner

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