Couple of nights left for Odd Couple…

Posted October 16, 2009 at 12:04 am by

Sharon escorts beaming director Andrew McLaglen after last night's performance of the Odd Couple....

Daughter Sharon escorts beaming director Andrew McLaglen after last night's performance of the Odd Couple....

When you see all those posters & photos at the Palace Theatre while you’re waiting for the movie, it’s pretty cool to see the movies that were directed by islander Andrew McLaglen, with a who’s who of stars from the 1900s under his direction.

So it’s pretty neat to still be able to catch one of his shows – I went to see the Odd Couple at the Community Theatre last night, and I hope you get a chance to see this play tonight or tomorrow before it closes. You’ll be glad you did.

Most of us have had a roommate at some point in our lives who was either as uptight as Felix (“Wow,” says Oscar, “I’ve never seen anybody with clenched hair”) , or as big a slob as Oscar. Something I love about live theater is that the playwright’s words come alive in some kind of new way each time a show begins, and this one is no different.

You can set aside the Jack Lemmon/Walter Matthau interpretations from the film, or the Tony Randall/Jack Klugman TV rendering, because Bo Turnage (Felix) & George Iliff (Oscar) redefine the roles in a couple of inspired performances, aided & abetted by poker pals Dorian Oliver, Warren Baehr, Chuck Harwood, and Keith Keyser, and a delightful turn by Pigeon Sisters Juliet Flint & Kaitlyn Johnson.

“People always get a kick out of two guys going at each other,” said McLaglen. “But this is also a play about friendship and about the pain of divorce.”

You’ll laugh, a lot. Don’t miss this one.

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One comment...

  1. Hi Ian, I love the photo you took of me and my dad at the Odd Couple last night. I’m going to alert all the children, and grand-children, and great-grandchildren to take a peek and read your wonderful article about the play.

    Comment by Sharon Lannan on October 16, 2009 at 10:53 am

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