A couple of kids, surrounded by love…

Posted December 7, 2009 at 12:01 am by

Sophia Grace

Sophia Grace

Well, I have two stories here…both involve little babies & what they have going on in their first few days here on this plane. The stories are by Debbie from Roche Harbor Market, and from Sandy at the Town. Let’s start with Debbie:

As some of you may know, Sophia Grace Krieg was taken to Children’s Hospital in Seattle, on Sunday November 22,  with breathing problems, looking into it further; they found her to have an enlarged heart.

There is a website provided by Children’s Hospital and it is:  http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/sophiagracekrieg – this is the website where you can view how Sophia is doing in Children’s hospital. The updates are very informative.  It tells her history as well as her progress to date.

If you can a donation fund has been started for Sophia @ any Whidbey Island Bank, or you can mail your donations to help support the family to: Whidbey Island Bank, P.O. Box 1937, Friday Harbor, WA 98250. Please reference Sophia Grace Krieg on your donations and thank you for all your help, these proceeds will go towards helping the family with the high medical expenses they are and will be incurring.

But most of all please keep the prayer chain going for little Sophia and her little heart….

Debbie Sandwith, Roche Harbor Market


Baby Kiya & her sign....thanks, Marty!

Baby Kiya & her sign....thanks, Marty!

And here’s Sandy’s story – you’ll remember I posted a thing last week asking if anyone could get a picture of Kiya Road for Ken – here’s how that turned out. I starts with Ken’s report to Sandy Strelou:


I just wanted to send you an update on my request for a Kiya “Street Sign” photo and to say Thank You for your help.

Yesterday evening I received 3 photos from a kind lady named “Marty” who responded to the notice you had placed in your online newspaper.  The photos were exactly what I had hoped for…

In fact, I’ve received a couple additional emails from the wonderful folks in Friday Harbor…  You truly have a great community of folks on the island to be proud of!

Attached are some photos of the final photo-frame and one of Kiya from a couple weeks ago.   Kiya is doing FANTASTIC – she’s now 3lbs, 6 oz. and has had all IVs and tubes removed (except feeding tube).   We can’t wait for her to be able to come home… This story is a great one (for me)…  It will be part of our family history, now, and I will re-tell it to Kiya often as the years pass.

Thank you (and the kind folks from San Juan Island) for being a part of it!

Ken & Laurie Unger

And here’s Sandy’s response to Ken:

Dear Ken and Ian:

I am writing to you both at the same time because discovering Ken’s second email in my box this morning has really made my day. This is the special Christmas story for me this year.

Thank you, Ian, for posting Ken’s request on your website, sanjuanupdate.com. I had a hunch that if you posted it, someone who lives nearby would bring their camera along on an afternoon walk and take that picture. I don’t know for sure if Marty lives near Kiya Way, but I like imagining her out with the family dog, both on a mission.

To Ken, I want to say how pleased I am to have played the tiniest of roles in making Kiya’s gift happen. I have premature twins in my family, born last spring two months premature, one barely making it until just a month ago. Now both are home with their family, in time for the holidays. I’m hoping Kiya will be home as well.

And Ken, those of us who live here do believe this place is special. But it is moments like this reaffirm it. You will have to come and visit one day—and bring Kiya to complete the story for us.

Best wishes for the holidays to both of you and your families.


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One comment...

  1. Hello Debbie, I hope you can e-mail me on Lacen’s baby’s progress after such dramatic and life saving surgery. Elaine )Claire Vedder’s G’Ma)

    Comment by Elaine Teel on May 8, 2010 at 7:39 pm

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