Can you help me find the keys?

Posted December 17, 2009 at 11:41 am by

Seen 'em?

Seen 'em?

Hey, can you help? Here’s my friend Madi’s story, straight from the streets of Friday Harbor (Spring Street, actually….)

I told her that I’d ask you to call me at 378-7275 or write me a note at ian (at) if you got ’em – here’s the scoop:

Hi Ian!
Had a little mishap the other night. Ran out to grab my wallet out of the car and accidently opened up somebody else’s door. I had just put all my stuff down on the seat when I realized it wasn’t my car, but a car with a very similar body type!

I quickly gathered up my stuff and went to grab my wallet in my car, one space away. Later, I realized I didn’t have my keys – I’m pretty sure I left them in that car, which of course was gone when I looked.

I was just hoping to get the word out and  let anybody that maybe found a strange set of keys in their car know that I didn’t take anything, I guess I left you something instead. It would be great to get them back!

Thanks and sorry about the mishap! Your friend, Madi

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Categories: Around Here


  1. Hi There actually, I did find a strange set of keys on the seat of my toyota truck that very same night. I took them over to Kings and left them there in case someone in the store might of lost them. Hope you get them back!

    Comment by Angela on December 18, 2009 at 10:46 pm
  2. What kind of car are you talking about??

    Comment by jennygirl on December 19, 2009 at 11:50 am


  1. Found those keys! | San Juan Update

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