From the mailbag….

Posted December 22, 2009 at 9:29 pm by

From the mailbag...this is the sunrise on San Juan Island on the morning of the 18th. Thanks for John Simon for sharing!

From the mailbag...this is the sunrise on San Juan Island on the morning of the 18th. Thanks for John Simon for sharing!

Every so often, folks write to me (and occasionally leave messages on the phone or pin things to my door) with interesting observations & stuff they’re interested in. Let’s take a look at that for a moment & see what’s happening: spot for ya. spot for ya.

Q. Which part of the island do you think my husband & I should move to? We’re real estate developers with a string of successful condos on Maui and see a lot of possibilities here. – Brenda & Stu, Hawaii

A. Lopez.

Q. How come you never post Christmas songs? – Julio, Friday Harbor

A. Oops. Hey, thanks for the reminder.

Here’s one of my favorites:

Q. Did you sell your house yet? – Anna, Port Townsend & moving there in April

A. It would make a great home for you. Check it out here.

And he can read, too....

And he can read, too....

Q. How many dogs on the island actually come when you call their names? – Martha, Friday Harbor

A. I only know of three. And they’re all named Tucker, I believe.

Q. The rumor is that you’re planning to move away to Canada. – Dave, near Roche Harbor

A. That is correct. That IS the rumor. I’ll look into it. Till then, I reckon I’ll stay put, though.

Q. How did Friday Harbor get its name? – Jackie, just moved here from Nevada

A. You know the story about the two old guys who couldn’t hear that well. One says, “Wow, it sure is windy!” The other guys says, “No, it’s not, it’s Thursday!” So the first guy says, “Me, too! Let’s go to Haley’s & get a beer!”

Our town was named by a guy who knew a longer version of the joke, which has been lost to history. I’ll check with Kevin at the Historical Museum, but I believe I’m right about this one.

Q: When you put people’s e-mail addresses in posting, you write it like this: somebody (at) Why don’t you use the “@” symbol? It’d be easier for me to write them. – Alex, on the westside

A: Mostly it’s that way so e-mail harvesters won’t take your e-mail off the Update & turn it into spam. (Here’s a link that explains why I use what’s called “cryptic text.)

Q. Do you believe in 2012? – Tiana, Adelaide

A. Yep.

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One comment...

  1. I would have chosen Whidbey for her. I like all the San Juan’s too much for development. Whidbey has already gone to the dark side.
    Deborah….who misses the wild freedom of Greenbank when you could still walk to what passed for a beach.

    Comment by Deborah Hagerty on December 23, 2009 at 9:46 am

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