Gatherin’ of the clan…

Posted January 13, 2010 at 12:01 am by

Sandy Cameron (you can call him at 378-1679) tells me he’s helping pull together the Burns’ Supper for this year…it sounds fun. Here’s the deal, which is on Sunday 24th January, at 6:00pm at the Mullis Center:

“THE WHOLE WORLD O’ER”…Scots, those of Scots descent, and people across the world are gathering…

The event? A celebration of renowned Scottish poet Robert Burns, as famous and acclaimed as Shakespeare. The 25th of January marks the 251st anniversary of his birth. For almost as long, Scots have been holding ‘Burns’ Suppers’ –  dinners, to celebrate his works and memory. Held wherever there are Scots, and notably where there are no Scots, (is there such a place?)
This year will see events in over 100 countries, including England!, Europe, Asia, the Far, Middle and Near East, Africa, North and South America, numerous Pacific islands, and Australasia. The USA alone will host some 360 events (a big underestimate I believe), including Friday Harbor!

As such, it is one of the world’s most celebrated of events across all nationalities. Acclaimed as a “people’s poet”, and spokesman of the common man, he would be justly proud of his universal acceptance.

There have been several very successful ‘Suppers’ in Friday Harbor over the years, organised by the Scottish Country Dance Group, each ever more popular than the previous. This year the SCDG are taking a break – as an, all volunteer effort, it is a big undertaking. I am stepping to fill the breach and give those dedicated volunteers a rest, said Sandy Cameron, organiser of this years’ event.

As I walk round town, so many people ask when and if, THEIR Burns Supper will be held !!

Almost every day, I hear of more and more islanders with Scottish connections, who wish to be added to the guest list. At $20 a ticket, the event is guaranteed to be sold out, and along with excellent local entertainment, a piper, singers, narrators and bands, includes a traditional Scottish meal, catered by Vinny’s Ristorante / San Juan Events.

This year I have secured generous sponsorship from Mike Greene at and Chetana Karel, which means I can continue the tradition and expand.

Herein lies a challenge. Previous events have largely been word of mouth and there are many who were interested, if only they had known. So here is your opportunity. I would like to compile a list of Scots, Scots by descent, or ‘of that ilk’! That way I can make this Burns Supper more inclusive, and perhaps plan additional events during the year – please call 378- 1679 to purchase tickets or register your ongoing interest.

So who is Robert Burns? Ever sang ‘Auld Lang Syne”, the universal new year song. Yep written by Robert Burns. As a people’s poet, he took many jabs at the hypocrisy and ostentation of the ruling classes. A romantic and renowned ‘ladies man’, his reputed philanderings, are only parallelled by his love and writing about the natural environment, landscape and people that is known as SCOTLAND. Above all he championed the cause of the common man;  the poor, who he revered as kings – those who he considered, really understood life. A superstar in his own lifetime, he never forgot his humble roots and his opportunity to write of them.

A nation of 5 million people, Scots’ culture is pervasive around the world. In our United States there is seldom a funeral for a fallen hero, that is not accompanied by the emotionally laden sound of Scottish pipes. So it is with Robert Burns, an iconic Scotsman, whose cultural influence is equally pervasive, and touches everyone’s heart who comes to know his works, regardless of nationality. There is no other commonly held event around the world that surpasses this single mans’ acclaim.

The following is a verse from “Is there for Honest Poverty”, which always bring a tear tae ma eye, as it expresses the sentiment of the man. It also is as apt today, as it was over 200 years ago.

For a’ that and a’ that, It’s coming yet for a ‘that,
That man to man the world o’er, shall brithers be for a’ that.

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