Look around the island…

Posted April 6, 2010 at 11:18 pm by

    The Marine Labs across the harbor on a sunny day....The Marine Labs across the harbor on a sunny day....

The Marine Labs across the harbor on a sunny day....

Let’s see what’s up:

Keith in action....

Keith in action....

Hey, have you seen Keith Keyser‘s woodwork? Check it out here.

Somebody told me (with attribution): The nice part about living in a small town is that when you don’t know what you are doing, someone else does.

• I’ve been to Alice’s workshops & they’re awesome! Hope you get a chance to go – here’s one this weekend (call her for location):

There is an abundance of writers on these Islands but few resources, other than online, for learning how to market books to agents and publishers.

“You’re Writing the Manuscript, Now What?” is one of those resources and will be presented on San Juan Island, Saturday, April 10 (11:15-5:15 p.m.) and Sunday, April 11, 2010 (2:00-5:15 p.m.) by Alice B. Acheson, a longtime publishing professional.  Geared for authors, illustrators and/or photographers searching for a publisher, the aim of this workshop is to empower the writers with publishing and marketing knowledge, including:

●    strategies for finding — and impressing — an agent/publisher,

●    industry procedures — from signing the contract to post-publication,

●    what to do — and when — to gain realistic control over the marketing process and publisher support,

●    specifics relating to individual project(s),

●    abundant handouts covering all stages of publication, and

●    “a thorough destroying of illusions, replaced with real tools and great methods to deal with actual situations.”

— Janice Crow, workshop participant

Alice & her best fella at the Festival of Trees last December

Alice & her best fella at the Festival of Trees last December

Additionally, on Friday, April 9 (2:00-5:15 p.m.), Acheson will also present “The Greatest Marketing Tool of All,” a three-hour workshop on the verbal pitch.  All potential authors need to spread the word about their work early in the process.  You never know who is listening. It could be an agent, publisher, bookseller, or future reader.  No writer should be unprepared or blow the opportunity with the wrong description.  Having “pitched” hundreds of books, including four simultaneously on the New York Times bestseller list, Acheson will share what works, what doesn’t — and why?

Both workshops require an assignment to be completed prior to the class, with instructions provided upon registration.

For further information and cost, contact Alice Acheson at 360/378-2815.

Susan drops by Judy's Land Bank booth at the Market....

Susan drops by Judy's Land Bank booth at the Market....

It’s always good to run into friends at the Farmers’ Market, like Susan & Judy did….

• Bill & Rita want you to come dance:

Line Dance: A Great Form Of Exercise
Easy & Fun for Adults & Teens

Our Line Dances are not just “Country Line Dances.” We just call it “Line Dancing” for a reason. We play great music of all the genres, like Ballroom, Top 40, Hip Hop, Blues, Funky, Latin, Country, Swing and more.

We dance in lines, so you never need a partner. You can bring all your friends and have a lot of fun and good exercise without even knowing it.

Line Dances can be 1 Wall, 2 Walls or 4 Wall Dances. Beginning classes are designed for you to feel confident each week and we review and add on a new dance each week. Intermediate classes are for those dancers who have danced for quite some time and have at least 10 line dances under their belt. These student are able to memorize longer dances and be able to turn frequently.

A study at the Albert Einstein Medical Center is the Bronx, New York, found dancing to the the only physical activity associated with a significant drop in the incidence of dimentia, including Alzheimer’s disease. Other studies have show Line Dancing in particular to be a great help in areas of memory, balance, cardiovascular and vertigo. And at the same time you get to have lots of fun!


Beginning 12-1:00 pm
Fees: $8 per class
$7 per class if you take 2 classes per week ($14 per week)

CLASSES ONGOING. Join Anytime. Pre-Register: Bill & Rita, 378-9628

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Categories: Around Here

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