Around the island….

Posted May 28, 2010 at 10:52 am by

Ruffles (J1), yesterday on the by Jim Maya

What’s up….

• Hey, Billy’s back! I love the way he writes up his sense of the Friday Harbor Marine Labs in his blog, here.

• Nan & Steve are offering this cool class over at St. David’s (she told me it’s OK if you missed the last one – you can come to the rest!):

If you’ve ever felt connected to a spiritual force while experiencing the wonders of the natural world, this discussion group might just be for you!  “And God Saw That It Was Good” is a Christian education course accompanying the PBS film The National Parks: America’s Best Idea.  A film clip from the popular Ken Burns film will be shared each week as we explore the following themes:  The Creator and Creation, God in Nature, Made in the Image of God, and A Covenant with Every Living Thing.

Earth Ministry, a Christian community in environmental stewardship, has made this program available to Saint David’s Church.  Steve and Nan Simpson will facilitate the class.  Come and join us, Sunday evenings, for the next four weeks as we explore personal experiences in the world outdoors, and consider the challenges of environmental stewardship.

Join Us!  All are welcome!

When: May 23, 30th and June 6th and 13th – 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Where: St. David’s Episcopal Church, 780 Park Street, Friday Harbor

The class is free and open to all.  Although we think you’ll enjoy all the sessions, each evening is an independent class.

Nan and Steve Simpson

Eddie & Genie Williams have a cool deal at the Hot Shop this weekend:

Hi Ian,
Just wanted to let your readers know that on Saturday 5/29 and Monday 5/31 the McCanless Family from Zane and Zack’s World Famous Honey Company will be here sampling their award winning products at the open space between the Drug Store and the Hot Shop. Sam, Tina and their 4 boys are involved in every step of the process from the beehives to the finished products.  Stop by and sample their yummy Chipotleyaki, Honey Habanero, Honey Chipotle, Four Brothers, Three Brothers (before Hans was born) and their flavor enfused Sea Salts. Lots of fun for the whole fam.

• The Woodwards have a fundraiser next week – make your plans! Here’s the scoop:

Children of the Nations asked our family, just after the first of the year, to consider being a host family for short term mission teams that will be coming down to the Dominican Republic. We have accepted this opportunity and will be going back to the Dominican Republic again this summer, June 18-Aug. 2nd. We will work with various projects in serving the Haitian refugees there. Steve and Winnie Brumsickle have graciously opened their home, see below, for a benefit dinner to help us raise support for this mission. Last year our going with other from the community connected San Juan Island to the island of Hispanola, Haiti and the Dominican Republic, many helping hands.

Dominican Republic Mission – Benefit BBQ dinner
When – Thursday June 3rd, stop by anytime between 5:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Where – 320 Ross Lane, at the home of Steve and Winnie Brumsickle, call 378-6015 for directions
Why – Support the Woodward’s Dominican Republic mission
What – We will serve – burgers, chicken, or vegies + salad & drink $10 donation – silent auction too. Please bring the family!

We are also celebrating Monique’s 40th birthday at the dinner, yahoo!

Thanks so much –
Vic, Monique, Ellie and Carly

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Categories: Around Here

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