Around the island…

Posted August 2, 2010 at 12:30 pm by

Let’s see what’s going on around here…

Remember back in 2005 that a golden eagle came and ate Bill & Colleen’s pet goose Gretta (here’s the story & picture in the Update, then)? Well, it looks like they had a close call this morning (Bill & Colleen own San Juan Safaris, by the way). Here’s the story from Colleen:

This morning about 6:15am our two geese were screaming. Bill (my husband and Brunch’s (the male goose) best friend) went to the window to find a great BIG Golden Eagle sitting on the fence post of the goose ‘safe pen.’  There it was, just staring into the pen trying to figure out how to bypass the wire mesh “ceiling” that we had put on since its last visit two years ago. (You remember when it killed and ate Gretta?) Bill stepped outside, waving his hands and making loud ugly sounds.

The Eagle slowly lifted off and flew away.


Close call.

The Victoria Express runs between Friday Harbor & Victoria...great way to go.

• Did you know the Victoria Express leaves here at 3:30pm every day & comes back this way at 9:30am the next morning? They run till September 6th this year, and they take you right into the Inner Harbour (I know, because I ride with ’em every so often.) Try ’em – you’ll be glad you did!

That's Francie between her mom Esther and Jim with Emilio, his service dog, at the Bean last week.

Francie Hansen took her mom Esther down to the Bean for a bit last week – her mom is 94 and full of life & fun…you can see where Francie gets it.

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Categories: Around Here

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