Wednesday’s news….
Posted October 6, 2010 at 7:58 am by Ian Byington

It was a good-sized crowd at the Mullis Center for the last Lunch for All meal, last Wednesday, which is scrambling for funds. The popular program was set up for folks to get a free meal if they needed one....
Let’s see what’s going on:

John Pachuta is greeted after the show by fans Jessie (center) and Roxanne - "I'll Be Back Before Midnight" plays this weekend and next at the Community Theatre.
• Just heard from Stevie Keys:
Friday Harbor Blues Night NEWS FLASH! Starting this Wed 10/6, Blues Night at the Rumor Mill will be going back to winter hours 6-9pm. So, adjust your inner blues clock and come on down!
• Over the weekend, I kept hearing that this is maybe gonna be a snowy & extra cold winter, so I looked up the news report for you (we gotta get some wood for the season).
• You can vote for Felicity (and her cakes at Felicitations) by clicking here.
• This is fascinating – Mimi Wagner found this article which indicates that Orcas used to be the home where the buffalo roam – here’s more:
It’s an article about bison bones excavated on Orcas Island. What is really interesting is that the bison bones are dated at 11,990 (+/- 25 years B.C./B.P.), AND the bison bones have marks on them that the study’s authors believe indicate it was butchered by humans. Humans… and bisons… and other animals mentioned in the article … on Orcas…. at 12,000 “before Christ” or “before Present”!!!
• Remember I told you Dave Ryan and the airport folks are re-doing the runways, last month? That went really well, as you can see in the picture (click here for a much bigger picture, with so much detail, you can find your house.)

FHHS' Jenny MacDonald turns the corner as she brings the ball up the right side in the Wolverines' 4-0 win over Mount Vernon Christian last night.
• Victoria is offering a class on the 11th to get you up to speed, with the EDC:
EDC offers workshop on social media and SIM
Social media is revolutionizing the way we use the Internet, and its low- or no-cost tools can be used by small businesses to achieve remarkable results. Join instructor Victoria Compton to learn more about social media and SIM – social influence marketing.
The course will start out with a basic overview of social media and SIM – definitions, best practices, and most effective platforms. Then it will cover tutorials on setting up a Facebook page, a Twitter account, a YouTube channel, and tracking SIM campaigns using tools like Google Analytics.
Additionally, the class will look at SEO – search engine optimization – with an eye toward results in Baidu and Tencent, China’s biggest search engines. The participants will leave the workshop with all the tools they’ll need to create a robust marketing program through social media.
Workshop instructor Victoria Compton has worked for over 20 years in marketing and advertising. She founded At Home Magazine and published the first three official Visitors’ Guides to the San Juans in collaboration with the SJI Visitors’ Bureau. She also worked for 5 years as a marketing consultant in Manhattan and the NY metro area, with a particular focus on helping small- to mid-sized companies get the word out about their products and services with tiny marketing budgets.
The San Juan County Economic Development Council’s Business Education Series was created by the EDC in response to concerns from local business owners and overall increased demand from new businesses. This series will present a variety of business topics designed for both those opening a new business or those wanting to take their business to the next level.
Date: October 11, from 9-1. Cost: $50 to cover course materials. Advance registration required. Sponsored by the San Juan County Economic Development Council and hosted by Skagit Valley College, 221 Weber Way, Friday Harbor. Call 360-378-2906 to reserve your space, or email: The EDC thanks San Juan County for helping to fund our fall Business Education Series.
The San Juan County Economic Development Council (EDC) strives to strengthen and diversify the economy of San Juan County. We believe a strong economy builds a strong community. The EDC works to build an environment that helps business owners create jobs. We serve business: linking organizations and resources, providing valuable information, rendering assistance and advocating for an improved island business environment.
You can support the San Juan Update by doing business with our loyal advertisers, and by making a one-time contribution or a recurring donation.
Categories: Around Here
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