Off to Korea for a Burns Supper….

Posted January 13, 2011 at 7:15 am by

Sandy Cameron (left) with Nathaniel Leonard, dressed up for a Burns Supper...

Looks like our old friend Sandy is headed to do a Burns Supper in….Korea! Here’s a little story he sent in:

Well-known Islander Sandy Cameron is headed to Korea, January 18th, to perform in an American/ Scottish/ Korean, cultural exchange. The event, a Burns Supper, an evening dinner to celebrate the birthday ( Jan 25th 1759 ) of worldwide acclaimed Scottish poet Robert Burns.

Who you say? Think Auld Lang Syne, the New Year Universal Song of Commemoration, or My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose, two of his best known compositions.

As well as participants sharing a traditional Scottish dinner of Chicken and Leek Soup, Haggis, Potatoes and Turnip, a decadent Tipsy Laird Trifle, and lots of Scotch whiskey, the evening is primarily a celebration of the life and works of this remarkable man.

Burns, himself...

Sandy said, “In the week around his birthdate, there is hardly a country around the world which will not host a number of these events Hardly will an hour pass around the globe but one of these events will take place. Equally the number or events within a country is staggering, with an estimate of around 500 in the USA alone. In over 200 hundred countries and at least 25 languages it is unlikely that any one person, even the world’s best known heroes, is more widely celebrated.”

Having organised and participated in Burns Suppers in Scotland and Friday Harbour, Sandy was excited to receive an invitation to a prestigious event in South Korea. ” It came out of the blue,” said Sandy. “My son Craig, also well known in Friday Harbour, now lives in South Korea, and as Scots do abroad, made many connections by virtue of being Scottish and our renown for being friendly.”

“As part of an ongoing American/ Korean cultural exchange, he was presented with an opportunity to present Scottish / American cultural history, and share it with Korean culture.”

It’s a unique opportunity for a tri-national exchange. He says, “I subsequently found from my friend Joe Bettridge, minister of the Friday Harbour Presbyterian Church, that Korea has significant ties with Scottish / American Presbyterianism, and there is a well established St. Andrews ( patron saint of Scotland ) Society in the country.”

An exchange spokesperson said, “Very quickly it became the right thing to do, something we had never done before. Our staff, with their various, and sometime intentionally, ‘tenuous’ links with their Scottish ancestry, were quickly excited, and responded with great enthusiasm. Through Craig’s connections, Sandy’s name came up as a celebrated ‘Burns’ performer, and we had no hesitation in inviting him to be the main speaker for our event.” The spokesperson added that ” preparations are well underway, including securing ‘ a haggis ‘, which will be kept in humane conditions till the event!. Joking aside, this is an excellent opportunity to show appreciation and celebration to our international and Korean communities, who offer international support on many levels. I greatly appreciate Sandy’s willingness, encouragement and help in supporting us too, in this our inaugural “Burns Supper.”

Sandy said, “I feel unique and privileged, by this opportunity, yet realise I am only one of very many islanders who contribute to events around the world. San Juan County, like Scotland may be small in size and population, yet our contribution is large.” I will proudly ‘Address the Haggis,’ and give ‘The Immortal Memory ,’ Addresses, knowing that I honed and perfected them, here at home in San Juan Island.”

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