When nothing happens…

Posted January 31, 2011 at 12:21 am by

From nothing...something.

What do you do when nothing happens?

Felt like that last week for a bit – there didn’t seem to be much to report, the way we usually do. Thought about just posting that: Nothing happened today, baby. Sorry ’bout that. See ya tomorrow.

What was great was that stuff did happen. It was just kinda quiet.

Most of the island got up & went to work, and worked pretty hard. Kids went to school, and most of ’em listened & got into & learned stuff. People went to the store & got food to eat, or got it out of the pantry, and hardly anyone went to bed hungry. Folks created wood things & sculptures & glass things & rehearsed to put on shows around here. They wrote & drew & sang. A lot of people went outside to play, some went inside.

A person needs twelve hugs a day to be healthy, and a bunch of islanders worked on that.

I checked: Not much happened on the ferry.

The ferries ran on time, and people came to relax here.

Dogs wagged their tails and cats sat in laps & mamas & papas played with their kids. The ones who didn’t made plans to do it the next day.

So I reckon something happened, and that’s all right.

Hope you’re making it happen today.

Peace surround you & light up your days,
Brother Ian

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One comment...

  1. Hi Ian,

    I LOVED your ‘nothing happening’ post. It was really, quietly powerful. I, for one,was reminded of how much I have to be thankful for when ‘nothing is happening’. How lucky I am not to be living in places like Shri Lanka, Iran and other places where a LOT is happening. Thanks Ian, and thank you for posting the info about our retreat center, Sakya Kachod Choling. I appreciate that so much.

    Comment by Thrinley DiMarco on January 31, 2011 at 10:02 am

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