Checkin’ in on Aaron…

Posted March 23, 2011 at 8:36 am by

That's Aaron (left) and Adam with their mom & stepdad Cynthia & Gordon Elliot, a couple of days before the accident when they all went out for the guys' birthday in town.

Last week I ran into Adam D’Errico & asked him how Aaron’s rehab was going…it’s hard to believe it’s been a whole month since the accident. He said his twin brother is coming along, and that made me want to check in with Aaron himself, so I sent him a note asking what I could tell Update readers about how he’s doing, and this is what he wrote back:

Thank you to everyone for your love and concern. I’m thankful to be home now.

I’m still dealing with headaches and I have to take frequent rest breaks because of them. I’m also using a cane for balance.

Though I’m unscathed on the outside, (no broken limbs or major scars, thankfully), I have to deal with the injury internally. I’m happy I can communicate clearly, but I’m dealing with the results of this concussion, as well as the previous three traumatic brain injuries that I had. One at birth that caused my cerebral palsy, a fall at age ten, and another fall at age 11.

I’m getting used to daily life again. It’s gonna take some work, yet as always I’m maintaining my positive attitude and I’m hopeful for the future.

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One comment...

  1. Ian thanks for doing the update on Aaron. Aaron I have always thought that you are a great person. I was really upset when I heard about the accident. I am just really happy to know you are doing O.K. Thank You God!!

    Comment by Anna Anderson on March 23, 2011 at 2:24 pm

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