Checking the Update’s mailbag (if e-mails go in a bag….)

Posted March 7, 2011 at 2:38 am by

It’s been a while since I cleared out the mailbag (even if it is only e-mails, made of electrons – it was stuffed!) Most of these are from folks off-island…let’s see what’s going on:

Q: I live in San Francisco but always check to see what’s happening on the San Juan Update. It appears that the island has been under tons of snow. What’s happening? – Stan, formerly of Cape San Juan.

A.  Didn’t really snow THAT much three weeks ago, but people sure took a lot of pretty pictures, and I’ve been spreading them over the last couple of weeks to remind folks that winter isn’t over, yet. Now it’s raining, like it’s supposed to.

The town, dressed in white - photo by Erin Ancich (thanks!)

Q:  I’ve moving to the island in a month, and wanted to get involved in some volunteer work. Where’s a good place to help out? – Alicia (and hubby Roberto), coming from Spokane

A: Uh, where do you want to start?

A short list that would unintentionally leave some groups out would include the following: The Library, the schools, the Food Bank, The Museums (Whale, Historical, & IMA), the ESL classes, the Animal Shelter, the Soroptimists & Rotary Club & Kiwanis Club & Lions Club & all the stuff they do, the Chamber of Commerce, the Community Theatre, the deputy sheriff volunteer program & the dive & rescue team, the San Juan Eagles, Hospice, the churches, the Fire Departments & EMS (Emergency Medical Services) folks, our Parks & Rec (we call it Island Rec), and tutoring at Skagit Community College here on San Juan Island.

You can also help me cut my yard (harvest it, actually) & maybe intern for the Update. Shoot, you’ll find plenty to do around here. And get outside & play!

Q: Can you see the Northern Lights from the island, over Canada? – Tammy in New Mexico, coming to see Friday Harbor in the summer

A: Those are planes from the Victoria & Vancouver Airports. Not really Northern Lights, so we call them UFOs.

Occasionally the Aurora Borealis is visible, but mostly it’s just planes.

Q: I saw the line “getting there is half the fun” in some of the islands’ outreach materials. What is the other half? – Jon, Bellingham

A: The ferry is free on the way back to the mainland.

Q: Are you guys still working on a plastic bottle ban on the island? – Angela, Roche Harbor

A: Yup.

Q: I heard there were topless clubs on Shaw Island. Is that true? – Bashful, from Las Vegas

A: I was at the Lopez ferry terminal one night waiting for the last boat when I heard a couple of guys (visitors) ask the agent if that boat went to Shaw, because they had heard from some folks they met at Herb’s there was a topless place, next to the Motel 6. The agent ruined it all by telling them it wasn’t true.

Actual by Katie Jones

Q: I heard the killer whales do something called “skyhopping.” Is that when they jump out of the water? – Art, from Mount Vernon

A: Yes, like at the end of “Free Willy,” the first one. Usually in slow motion.

Then there’s a thing called “spyhopping” where they stick their snouts (and eyes) out & look around. This is also called “people watching.”

Q: Why is the island called “San Juan”? – Laura Louise, island nut in Boise

A: Creative marketing. You wouldn’t believe the number of people who think they’re coming to Puerto Rico. If we had more signs in Spanish they’d probably stay longer.

Q: How do single people meet each other on the island? I’m thinking about moving there but am afraid the social scene might be kind of limited. – Luke, somewhere in California

A: It’s not, but you have to follow time-honored island custom.

See the volunteer list above? We all meet each other there, or at work, or in the grocery store, or some mix of all that. We usually go out once or twice, then move on. After we’ve done with that, we repeat that ten times, going out with different people. At this point the men say, “There aren’t any women on this island,” and the women say, “There aren’t any men on this island,” and my gay & lesbian friends say the same thing.

Then everybody goes online & signs up for eHarmony or or or something, sees who is available on the island AND reads all about them, then goes out with them, and everything’s fine. See?

Meanwhile, there are lots of people who break up & then go out with other people who just broke up. This is called “The Island Square Dance,” because people keep dancing after they change partners (or they meet them on

If you have any questions, call me and I’ll explain it to you. Josie & I met on eHarmony, and it worked out pretty well (just to let you know she didn’t find me on

Q: I sure like what you do with the Update. Thanks for what you do. – Nancy, San Juan Island

A: And the Update likes you. Thanks for reading. Glad you’re there.

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Categories: Around Here


  1. Thanks Ian for including ESL as a volunteer opportunity. Denise

    Comment by Denise on March 7, 2011 at 6:17 am
  2. I am laughing so hard right now that my dog can’t handle the lap shake. Great answers!

    Comment by Rebekah on March 7, 2011 at 9:55 am
  3. I love this column. Hilarious!

    Comment by TeriLyn on March 7, 2011 at 12:20 pm
  4. Let’s not forget to mention Village at the Harbour, when mentioning where to volunteer. We at the Village could always use more volunteers(any Bridge players??) and the Village would greatly appreciate anyone who would volunteer their time.

    Samm, Resident Assistant @ the Village

    Comment by Samm on March 7, 2011 at 9:15 pm
  5. Brilliant post Ian, you (almost) have the acute sense of humour of a Scotsman! A SJI dating column would be a great addition to the Update – I was in Pelindaba, buying a gift for an off island ( date (didn’t work out) in talking to two other customers they had just got married, were honeymooning on SJI and had met on! True story!!.

    Comment by Sandy on March 10, 2011 at 10:23 am

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