Meanwhile, in Papua New Guinea…

Posted May 19, 2011 at 6:47 am by

Looks like the parents all got paid & left the kids with Cole.... 🙂

Every Saturday at Farmers’ Market you probably get a cup of coffee from Cole Hull…well, he’s in Papua New Guinea, where is coffee comes from, and wanted to report what he’s up to, in this note I got a couple of hours ago:

Ian:  While “on the road,” I have been keeping up with the happenings back home, and wanted to send you a Tok Pisin “apinun” (“good evening,” though actually a variation of “afternoon”).

Finally after several years representing coffee from tribal groups from the Western Highlands of Papua New Guinea, I finally got on a plane (several actually) and came out for a visit. I’m presently in the second week of a three week visit, working out of the Madan Coffee and Tea Plantation.

Over 450 native Papua New Guineans people live and work around the coffee estate and mill here, mostly in 3 tribes and a multitude of clans. I am the only white man who works for the company, doing all their export logistics and marketing (some of which makes it all the way to our local Farmer’s Market, but not so much this month as I am Gone Daddy Gone).

Anyways, thanks for keeping me updated up here in the Highlands (when I can find electricity and a satellite uplink that is!)  Attached is a picture of me and a group of kids who joined me in rolling out some parchment coffee for sun drying last Saturday (the day after “fortnight” payday, so pretty much only kids seemed to be around the villages).

Cole Hull
High Country Coffee

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