Notes from the Update’s editorial offices…

Posted July 29, 2011 at 1:44 am by

On the lookout for news & gossip & tidbits, all tied together by our shared sense that we're glad to be here together on our island.

Good morning! Hope your day is off to a super start! There were a few little things I wanted to share with you, partly because you asked how you can participate in helping keep the San Juan Update healthy & strong & occasionally funny…

• Here’s one – I think I have enough work now to need help! I’m looking for an intern to help me with the work of this online community site – it’ll probably grow into a paid position down the road. Interested? Drop me a line at editor (at)!

• See those ads to the left, starting under the Calendar? Great way to get the word out about what you’re up to, or at least that’s what I hear. You & I are among thousands each week who read The Update…just as well have ’em read about you, too. Contact me at editor (at) for more info! Let’s get you started!

• See that yellow “donate” button to the left, down the page a little? Yep, that one. That’s part of what let’s me know we’re on the right track here…if you have a little change to spare (or just inherited a fortune & need guidance whom to share it with), that would be a great place to start.

• Finally, keep those cards & letters coming! It’s always great to hear from you, especially when you have things to share with the rest of the island. I love hearing from you!

As always, I feel so lucky – I have the greatest readers in the world!

All good things,


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Categories: Around Here


  1. Hey Ian, I live in Winona MN but my daughter (Melissa Bailey) lives on San Juan Island. I miss her terribly and your Update is a wonderful way for me to feel just a little closer to her and the world she lives in. I’ve visited San Juan many times and think you guys have a terrific place to live. Keep up the good work (posting at 1:44 A.M.- yikes!!) Jan Bailey

    Comment by Jan on July 30, 2011 at 8:20 am
  2. Ian-no one has really worked with the high school since Tony Surina passed away. Maybe this is an opportunity to get some interest in journalism going again with some of the kids.

    Comment by Mark FIshaut on August 1, 2011 at 12:01 pm

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