Around the island….

Posted August 3, 2011 at 8:00 am by

That was yesterday morning's sunrise, before by John Miller (thanks, John!)

There’s sunny days ahead…get outside & play!

Leslie, surrounded by friends, including Elayne...

Animal Shelter Director Leslie Byron tells me last weekend’s Wags To Riches fundraiser was a blast, in large part because of guest performer & comedian & animal advocate Elayne Boosler, who had people laughing for the evening…wasn’t a straight face in the crowd. And the Animal Shelter wins, again…

You wouldn’t forget your ferry tickets, right? Well don’t forget your Terry tickets, either! Megan Kilpatrick-Boe has the scoop:

Tickets are now available to purchase for the Terry Ogle Benefit Fundraiser dinner! They are $25 each and are available at Spa d Bune & Be Chic Boutique during their normal business hours.

• Plan on it: As part of the County’s planned furloughs to save on the budget, the Transfer Station is closed Friday this week….so, you gotta wait till Saturday to make a dump run.

The Noise Guy

The Reading Program sponsored by the Library each summer is so cool – here’s what’s happening today (you’ll love it!):

Wednesday @ 1:30 pm @ the Elementary School: Noise Guy Charlie Williams is back for a repeat performance. He promises to be funnier than ever, tweaking our Summer Reading Program theme to Many Noises, One Mouth! Get ready for some side-splitting laughter with the Noise Guy. This program is free & open to the public. Come on by & check it out!

Blood drive today at the Mullis Center! From 12-6pm!

You saw Sakana Rakasa three weeks ago at the Farmers Market – this month’s show features a special guest, this weekend – here’s more from MeganVivenzio:

Local belly dance troupe Sakana Rakasa is hosting special guest dancer Fatifah from Eugene, OR at this Saturday’s (Aug 6th) Farmers Market in Friday Harbor at 11:30 am for their monthly show at the market. Bring family and friends, come watch wonderful dancing, hear great music, and browse the market. You won’t want to miss it!

Very special guest dancer Fatifah from Eugene joins Sakana Rakasa this weekend at the Market.

• Remember the kids & the greenhouse project, across from the high school in that field between the high school & courthouse? They got underway this week, as materials began to arrive from off-island.

It's a lot of work, and it takes a lot of volunteers - Brickworks project manager Pete Kilpatrick oversees Friday Harbor Mayor Carrie Lacher helping lay bricks earlier this week....

Debbi Fincher sent over this little two-minute video of three local high school students in Anaheim last week – here’s more, from Debbi:

Teddy McCullough from Lopez, WA and Brett Paul and Sam Waite from Friday Harbor, WA trained at CADCA National Youth Leadership Initiative in Anaheim, CA this week. They tell us a little bit about their experience and look forward to returning home to get more involved in their community. Will you help them make positive change in our community?

• It’s Friday! Lavendera Day Spa is hosting a Reception & Open House on Friday, August 5th  from 7:15 pm to 9:00 pm, for Artist Sondra Bayley, who will be showing her mixed media work in a show called “New Directions” at Lavendera Day Spa from August 1st to September 30th, 2011. The show is located at 440 Spring Street. and runs from August 1st- September 30th.

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Categories: Around Here

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