Around the island….
Posted September 12, 2011 at 6:48 am by Ian Byington

Danielle Dean Palmer had a show of folks' efforts with pinhole photography last weekend, and I found it fascinating... the inset shows how the photo paper inside the circular container receives the light. Cool stuff!
It felt like the first day of summer this weekend with all the sun & warmth & great reasons to get outside…hope you got a chance to play! Let’s take a look around:
• This is a great day to drop by the League of Women Voters’ meeting today at twelve at the Library. Always interesting, always topical…here’s more from Susan Dehlendorf & Sarah Crosby:
Learn “The Truth about Taxes” with the League of Women Voters September 12. The League of Women Voters of the San Juans invites members and the public to learn “The Truth about taxes: what choices do we have?” at noon, September 12 at the San Juan Library.
Economist Ed Dolan will discuss our current system of taxation and what options exist to make changes in how we fund our Federal government. Bring your questions!
San Juan County resident Dolan holds a doctorate in economics from Yale University and has taught in American and European universities. He has published extensively and maintains a blog,, focused on promoting economic literacy for both academic professionals and the general public.
The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization which encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues and influences public policy through education and advocacy.
• From Dave Calhoun: “When I was a kid my dad said I was lazy, and I said I was just pacing myself. Turns out we were both right.”

Getting the picture taken: These visitors from Ohio & Pennsylvania dropped by Victoria on the way to San Juan Island on the Sidney ferry last night.
• Adrienne at the library has a special author coming this weekend who will fire you up, whether you’re a runner or a runner supporter:
“Second Wind” author Cami Ostman to speak at the Library!
The San Juan Island Library hosts author Cami Ostman Saturday, September 17th at 6:00 pm. Ostman will talk about her book Second Wind: One Woman’s Midlife Quest to Run Seven Marathons on Seven Continents. Second Wind tells Cami’s story of “a woman edging toward midlife who decides to take on a challenge that stretches her way outside of her comfort zone.”
After going through a divorce, a friend suggests to Cami that she try running to help take her mind off her problems. Upon discovering that running helps Cami deal with the ups and downs of life, she decides that her personal “vision quest” is to run seven marathons, on seven continents. Second Wind is not just a book for runners, about running. The author’s journey is one of self-discovery and a story about finding inner strength. For more information on Cami, or to see where she’s running now, visit her website.
All Library programs are free and open to the public; they are graciously sponsored by the Friends of the Library. Library hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10 am to 6 pm, Tuesday and Thursday from 10 am to 8 pm, Saturday from 10 am to 5 pm and Sunday from 1 pm to 5 pm. Library cards are free to island residents with proof of residency.

Both on-island & off, it was great to see the soccer asssociation's new uniforms for this season...that's the U-15 boys (left) coached by Tim Barrett & Juan Lopez, and the U-13 girls (right) coached by Tony Fyrqvist before & after their games off-island.
• Congrats to Clark & Shelly, getting married this past weekend!
• It was a close game, but the Vikings came back in the last couple of minutes to hang onto the Island Cup in Saturday’s football game over on Orcas. Friday Harbor was ahead 15–13 before Orcas’ last score.
• You’ll remember that film called Saving Luna that won so many awards in Canada a couple of years ago, and had a wonderful, well-received showing at The Community Theatre two falls back…it has been re-done with a new narrator (Ryan Reynolds) and a new name (The Whale) and opened in Seattle last weekend.
A number of local folks (including Soundwatch’s Kari Koski and the Center for Whale Research) are featured in the story. Here’s more.

Meg Carrier runs down the ball in her U-8 soccer match was a great day to begin the season for soccer and football over at the elementary field, with a zillion kids & the sunny day, and parents cheering for their kids.
• It was great to drop in on Matthew Gray Palmer’s studio this past weekend (remember the elephant? Remameber the bass?) where he’s working on a wildcat for the University of Kentucky…I always find myself saying “Wow!” when I see his work…
• Teddy Deane says they have the new album ready for you! Here’s more about the CD release party:
The Play-Rite Boys CD Release party Thursday, Sept. 15 (better known as this Thursday) at the Rumor Mill, 7:30pm till just before they turn the lights out.
PRB is me, Jonathan Piff, Cecil DeMeerleer, and Dennis Willows, with the Brave Drinking Men of Battery D, the Rumor Mill Singers (shades of Uncle Otto), and Wendy Westerwelle ( an outstanding talent from Portland).
Sure, we’ll sing my “vaudeville” songs cause I love ’em, but I promise I’ll bring my sax and we’ll play dance music so you can dance your troubles away too. We also haven’t rehearsed to preserve spontaneity. This is only our 4th cd release party in 6 years so you may have to wait another couple years if you miss this one.
You never know, when in doubt, party now!
See ya there (I hope),

The grand opening at the Tooth Ferry's new office on Saturday gave people a chance to meet Michelle & Scott's staff: That's Scott with Juniper, Holly, Michelle with Skyler, and Jill in front of the entrance to the new building - drop by & visit when you get a chance!
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Categories: Around Here
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