Orca news: New baby, in time for Christmas…and a chance to give
Posted December 21, 2011 at 10:50 am by Ian Byington

J16 Slick with her new baby calf J48 (the little peach-colored one) and her 2007 daughter, J42. Photo by Candice Emmons, NWFSC, December 17, 2011.
Yep, there’s a new calf in J pod – wahoo! Here’s the word from Howard Garrett at the Orca Network:
Big news! It’s been kept quiet to make sure all parties confirmed it, but NOAA’s NW Fisheries Science Center and the Center for Whale Research have confirmed that on December 17, 39-year-old J16 (Slick) gave birth to a new baby calf in Puget Sound (probably only a few hours earlier, judging from the fresh fetal folds), before being seen and photographed by veteran field researcher Candice Emmons of NWSFC. This makes J16’s fifth calf since her first, J26, was born in 1991. She was the sixteenth J pod orca photographed and identified by Mike Bigg in 1972, and is among the oldest whose age is known exactly. Her matriline is known as the J7’s after J16’s late mother. Photos of the family can be found by scrolling down the Center for Whale Research matriline guide.
Meanwhile, over at The Whale Museum, director Jenny Atkinson has a chance for you to help out – here’s the deal:
Last week, we received an anonymous pledge of $5,000 IF we receive gifts to match it by December 31. I’ve posted this information on our web page and on our FaceBook page. Please help make sure we receive this great gift by contributing and/or spreading the word.
Here’s a link to the Donation Form. If you or your friends make a contribution towards this, please note “gift match” in the Comment field!
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