Newscap: Tuesday
Posted December 20, 2011 at 9:34 am by Ian Byington

The FHES second graders went a-caroling at the Mullis Center with the seniors last Thursday - here they sing Rudolph for an appreciative by Debbi Fincher.
Happy Tuesday to you!
• Oren at The Rumor Mill wants to invite you down tonight – he & Peggy are offering a Hanukkah menu with Chicken Matzo Ball soup, Latkes, Beef Brisket, & much more. Menorah lighting at 7pm, followed by live music with OPA. The celebration of traditional Hannukah food starts at 4pm – come on down!
• Speaking of open, the Market Chef is open through the holidays – if yesterday’s lunch crowd is any indication, you already knew that…they’re closed on the weekends (and next Monday, the 26th), but are open the rest of the time – Laurie says to come on by!
• After Maddie Leiren graduated from Friday Harbor High a few years back (2009), she headed for Los Angeles, where she’s been modeling & designing clothes.
She was featured (as a model) in StyleRift this past month (as Adrianna Leiren), and has a new line of Winter Wonderland gowns in her Threads of Austere line.
Way to go, Maddie!
• Wolf Hollow is selling their Holiday gift cards at several places around town: The Barking Bird, Robin’s Nest, Friday Harbor Pet Supply, Vital Elements, to name a few. The cards are $5 each and feature lovely photos of wildlife. They are gift cards that can be used as stocking stuffers or gifts as each card represents a donation made to Wolf Hollow in the recipient’s name.
• Mixed media artist Jan Murphy is the featured artist at Lavendera Day Spa this month – swing by & catch her show!
• It’s a wrap – let the kids help! Here’s the word from Torrey at the Presbyterian Church:
Is wrapping your gifts for holiday celebrations a hassle? Are your fingers tired of holding ribbons and cutting paper? Do you need some extra time this season? Let us help.
Drop your gifts by the Presbyterian Church on Wednesday, December 21st, and local high school youth will wrap your gifts and have them ready for pick-up late afternoon that same day.
Paper has been donated by Post San Juan and we are seeking to serve our community in practical, helpful ways. This is a free service, although any donations received will go toward other service projects.
Stop in between 1:30-4 pm and we’ll either wrap while you wait or we’ll arrange a time for you to pick up your wrapped gifts later in the day.
• This may be a good time to plan this one…the holidays can be a tough time for those who have lost friends & family….here’s more from our friends at Hospice:
Hospice of San Juan To Offer Grief and Loss Support Group
Nearly everyone experiences loss and grief at some time. When someone we are close to dies, those who survive often find ourselves at a loss. A vacuum is created. Many questions arise. What’s next? Who am I now in this life? Thoughts and feelings may seem off kilter. Even making simple decisions like what to eat seem difficult. These are normal reactions to loss. Grief and mourning are natural and necessary processes to help us through our time of sorrow and loss. And, we don’t have to do it alone.
Hospice of San Juan is sponsoring a Grief Support Group for anyone who has lost a family member or friend. The support group will provide a time to talk and share common experiences. We will also provide information and tools for dealing with the grief process, along with other topics of interest to the participants.
The group begins Friday, January 20, 2012, and will meet twice per month on the 1st and 3rd Friday, 9 – 10:30 AM, with a total of 6 sessions, finishing on April 6th.
Lenore Bayuk, MN, ACNS, will facilitate the group. Lenore has worked with loss and grief in her own life and professionally as a nurse and psychotherapist. She has been a Psychosocial Nurse Specialist for 37 years and a nurse for 43 years.
Please sign up with Lenore at 360-378-3636, ext. 1 or call Madelyn Busse 360-375-6052 with any questions.
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Categories: Around Here
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