Looking around the island…

Posted February 6, 2012 at 10:04 am by

Jack Gibson says hey to new Lutheran pastor Ann Hall last week - she was officially installed a couple of weekends ago...the Lutherans hold their service at St. David's Episcopal Church each Sunday, in-between the early service & the late-morning services. By the way, did you know Jack has a knife-sharpening business? Garden tools, scissors, knives - call him at 378-3378...you'll be looking sharp!

Let’s take a look around – easier to see stuff when it’s so sunny out!

Tourists from Chicago Hunter & Barbara enjoyed a sunny (if a bit chilly) walk at Roche Harbor a weekend ago....

• The Roche Harbor Salmon Classic wrapped up this weekend, with the winner (Bellingham’s Jason King) catching both a 16.6 pound salmon and the $10K prize. Locals David Hodges ($4K) and Jennifer Page ($2K) figured in the prize money, too…here’s a nice writeup in the Seattle Times.

Congrats to Debbie Sandwith & her crew at Roche Harbor – this was her ninth derby, and she continues to put on an awesome show.


• Last night, nearly 100 folks collected at the Library to see a screening of Miss Representation, put on by our friends Stephanie & Julie. Great movie, great discussion after, and the kind of film that goes a long way in helping people treat each other better. Catch it next time it’s around – you’ll see the world in a whole different light.


• Did you know that the governor made February Private School Month? Chris Gregoire issued the proclamation last month – congrats to Spring Street International School, Paideia School, and Stillpoint School here on the island!


Colleen Bennett (left) congratulates Kari Koski last Tuesday as a few hundred islanders gathered at the Whale Museum to thank Kari for her work in developing Soundwatch into the effective educational deal that it is....she announced her resignation from the program last year. Way to go, Kari - good luck with the next adventure ahead!


• Want to be a taste tester? Here’s more from Mike Martin:

Hi everybody! I’m the Sales and Marketing Director for San Juan Pasta Company here in Friday Harbor. We’re very close to having a full-blown line of gluten-free pastas, but we need your help. We’ve successfully taste-tested extremely small batches of the gluten-free pasta and are in the process of scaling up the batches for larger-scaled production.

For our next batches we need taste testers. Regardless if you’re gluten intolerant or just love pasta, we need your opinion on this next step so that we can make a product line of San Juan Islands-indigenous pastas. If you’re interested in helping us with this project you can send contact me at 360-317-4498, or email me at sjpasta (at) gmail.com.



She's such an amazing photographer - Josie (left) and I ran into naturalist & nature photographer Katie Jones at Boundary Bay, just over the line in Canada where she & we had gathered with others to see the snowy owls that are hanging out there. Check out her work at http://spyhoppertravels.blogspot.com/ ...amazing stuff.


Get your ballot in the mail for the school levy by next Tuesday, the 14th....you can tell how Cow & Pig on Roche Harbor Road are leaning. Find out more at http://sjlevy.org/ .

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Categories: Around Here

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