Here & there….

Posted March 8, 2012 at 10:26 pm by

That's Matthew Palmer (left) and Traci Walter getting into the water with their mono-fins - photo by Mer-people photographer Chris Teren (thanks, Chris!)

Let’s look around & see what’s up, ’round our sceptr’d isle:

• I heard that Butch Taylor…long time keyboard player for Dave Matthews Band…sat in with Tom Doenges’ band (the Tom Henry Band) Wednesday night at The Rumor Mill. Cool ’nuff.


• Have you been by the Barking Bird or Friday Harbor Pet Supplies lately? They’re starting to stock up for the coming months – drop by & check ’em out! Your dog or your cat (or the other pets in your life) will appreciate it!


Gail & Randy are in Florida, but you can still swing by Cotton Cotton Cotton – here’s a note from Gail:

Cotton Cotton Cotton is open March 9, 10 and 16 and 17th 10:00am-4:00pm while we are in Florida visiting our family.  Come in and see Dee while we are gone.  We will see you on March 22nd!


• Mike says he can use a hand at Friday Harbor Marine:

Mechanic Position – Friday Harbor Marine
Friday Harbor Marine has an immediate opening for a full time mechanic  to work in our waterfront shop. Applicants must have experience troubleshooting and maintaining gas and/or diesel engines and electrical accessories.  On the Job Training is available to teach marine technologies and procedures. Must have car and cell phone, and be familiar with PC.  Flexible scheduling and health plan available.  Email resume to [email protected]


• As you sit at the computer today & wonder how much all this web stuff represents the real world, consider what Virginia Heffernan says:

“Tim Hwang, a researcher of online movements and memes and the managing director of the Web Ecology Project, says there’s a fact we often overlook: “The Internet is not coterminous with the real world.” He told me by email, “Like in a rearview mirror communities can be smaller than they appear on the Internet: discussion is often subject to parties who are loudest and can rally the most participants to appear online and participate at that specific moment.”

Here’s the whole interesting article, which is a review of Ron Paul’s effective use of the Internet (which she says hasn’t helped him).


• There are reports that the Navy is testing sonar downsound…here’s more from KING5 News. (And here’s more about the Navy’s assertion it’s safe for marine mammals. It isn’t.)



• Must be spring…the restaurants in town are reopening! The BBQ Shack opened last week, and The Backdoor Kitchen is open for both dinner (Thursday-Saturday, now) and Noodle Bowl Monday for lunch.



• Let me know what you think of this – it’s a home video of someone’s cats hanging out with a couple of bald eagles. It doesn’t end like you think it’s going to… check it here.

Debbie's pretty happy with the new shop! Photo by Tamara Weaver




• Let’s see what’s going on around the island…here’s a report from roving Update reporter Tamara Weaver:

Debbie Dardenelli‘s new consignment clothing boutique Girlfriends was a popular place last week as she celebrated her Grand Opening on Nichols Street.

She received lots of support from her friends who brought her armloads of beautiful, gently-, or often never-worn clothing from their closets, and walked out smiling with new things from someone else’s.

Not just for girlfriends, Deb also has a great selection of men’s clothes.   My husband Jon couldn’t resist a nearly-new North Face parka and Teva boots.


Cookies! Photo by Tamara Weaver

Today, I HAD to buy Girl Scout cookies!

How could I say no?  They ran up to us on the sidewalk downtown, dropped to their knees, and asked us to buy their cookies!

So, Jon bought two boxes.

Future Friday Harbor businesswomen pictured are (out of order): Kenzie Norbom, Maddy Flaum, Sidney Herda, and Chelsey Campbell.

Have a cookie!


It's a dog's life on San Juan Island...if they're in a MiniCooper, are they mini-boxers? Photo by Tamara Weaver.

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One comment...

  1. Dogs ride inside not strapped to the woof.

    Comment by RD Larson on March 21, 2012 at 1:05 pm

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