Hey, ho, the wind & the rain…

Posted March 12, 2012 at 9:11 am by

That's J34 (Doublestuff) with friends (Pigeons Guillemot) over the weekend in Haro Strait at Middle Bank...awesome photo by Jim Maya (thanks, Jim!)

Bet you’ve heard the wind through the night – hope things held together OK for you…gusts up to 65 mph were forecast. Let’s see what else is going on:

• Passing: I heard that Rob Turner passed away last week…we’ll watch for more information as it becomes available…he was loved by many, many islanders…


• The spring seasons got underway Saturday, with the softball girls having a tough time, losing to South Whidbey, while the baseball boys beat SWHS 11-9 in a slugfest.


Dance! This Saturday!

• Liz Francis says the Contra Dance this weekend should be awesome (if you haven’t been dancing, it’s about time, don’t you think?) here’s more:

Third Saturday Contra Dance, San Juan Island Grange Hall, 7-9p.m. Dance to The Fabulous Eric Anderson on piano and Alan Roberts on fiddle with Cindy Holmes calling. No partners needed. All dances taught. No experience necessary. $10/person donation (students half price!). Information, 378-3836.


• Hey! Did you see Cyndi Brast‘s photos on the Cruising Northwest website? Pretty cool!


This Wednesday!

• Music, just for you: On Wednesday at the Community Theatre at 7pm, there’s a musical fundraiser for our awesome band program at FHHS – here’s more from Kelly Snow:

Seattle Trumpeter Chad McCullough, The One More Time Band, and the Friday Harbor High School Jazz band present a special evening of Jazz! Suggested donation: $15 adults, $5 student reserved. All ticket proceeds go to support FH Band Families & Friends.


• It’s always great to hear from our local authors – Sam Buck is giving a talk about his book Believe Your Experience this weekend on Saturday at 7pm at Griffin Bay Bookstore – here’s more:

I caught up with Sam at a Whale Museum fundraiser...it'll be good to hear about his book on Saturday.

Griffin Bay Bookstore and the San Juan Island Library are co-sponsoring a book talk with San Juan Island author Sam Buck, on Saturday night, March 17, 7:00 at the bookstore. Sam will be on hand to read from and talk about his book: Believe Your Experience.

Sam Buck is a third generation San Juan islander with a background in farming, heavy construction, fishing, and restaurants. For 10 years he was a natural health practitioner & counselor.  Since 1988 he has been a realtor with Coldwell Banker.

Sam grew up dyslexic, and even in high school he was interested in esoteric subjects, always a consistent undercurrent for him. Sam considers himself to be a seeker of truth and a promoter of wellbeing. “I am completely confident that each of us has an important purpose for being here.”

After sharing personal insights about life with so many, it was not uncommon for Sam to hear, “You should write a book.” The idea of writing a book and sharing his insights started to sink in. One morning he experienced a strong impulse which “essentially kicked me out of bed and said , ’Get to it!’”

He says he really had no choice in the matter: “As soon as I started writing the words just flowed out, and I sincerely enjoyed and learned from the experience.”

The resulting book is:  Believe Your Experience. Readers will find gems of gentle insight: “Being grateful for the gifts of our lives will carry us through the toughest of times and will tend to create more to be grateful for.” Sam points out that being grateful “is the most effective way of improving your life and the lives those around you.”

For those seeking to bring more meaning and purpose, more gratitude and harmony into their lives, be sure to attend Sam’s book talk at Griffin Bay Bookstore.


• I realize I said “awesome” at least three times in today’s posting…that’s because it’s the closest approximation to what I wanted to say, and no other word fit. Call me Dr. English…I hope you get a chance to say awesome too many times today, too.



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