Local GOP caucus-goers choose Romney in weekend state poll….

Posted March 5, 2012 at 9:21 am by

Saturday saw presidential politics come to the island, as the state of Washington’s Republicans held their state caucus. In numbers that continue to be updated, it appears that Gov. Romney sprinted ahead of Dr. Paul & Sen. Santorum, winning 38% to their approximately 25% each, with Rep. Gingrich getting some 10% of the vote. Here on the island, it was Romney out front with 26%, followed closely by Paul with 23%. For your convenience, here’s the link to the Seattle Times with the updated numbers, and here’s the website I’ve followed for the past ten years, describing ways the caucus system could be improved.

So, the nomination process heads from our state into tomorrow’s Super Tuesday vote…but first, here’s a report from County GOP chair Michelle Loftus about her view of how Saturday went for her party:

Fiscal conservatives, family values voters, Constitution supporters, and small government voters showed up in force for the Republican precinct caucuses held on Orcas, Lopez, Shaw and San Juan Islands.  “We had barely enough chairs for everyone, and that’s a good problem to have,” said County Republican Chairman and State Executive Board Member, Michelle Loftus.

Similar crowds attended the Orcas, Lopez and Shaw caucuses. Much enthusiasm  generated from last week’s Lincoln Day Republican events on Orcas and Lopez spilled over to ignite solutions for  county, state and national needs.

The coalition of Republicans, Tea Party Activists, Constitution Party members, Disaffected Democrats, and Libertarians worked well together; suggesting platform resolutions and championing their individual choices for President. Despite the wide variety of opinions represented the discussions were passionate but understanding and accepting of other views.

One woman who described herself as a “recovering Democrat” announced that she was still undecided as to which of the Republican candidates would receive her vote, but she was certain that she would vote Republican this year.

At the end of the caucus, as attendees helped to put away chairs and clean up the room, Helen King, a San Juan Island Bed and Breakfast owner, commented, “This was great to have a voice.  We should get together more often.”

Dave Vandaveer, computed the straw poll results for the county, reporting that Romney received 25.94%, Paul received 23.43%, Santorum 21.76%, and Gingrich 20.08%.   In addition, Vandaveer computed the undecided voters at 7.53%.

For more information of the San Juan County Republicans refer to the website or Facebook page. The San Juan County Convention will be March 24th at the San Juan Grange.

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