Around the island, this week….
Posted April 4, 2012 at 10:19 am by Ian Byington

This week's full moon reminds me of this shot by Robert Stavers back in January on a clear, winter morning....Easter Day is always the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox, so here it comes, this week! Photo by Robert Stavers
What do you have planned for the holiday weekend? Here’s the scene around here, as the weather just gets better & better:
• Take a look at Tim Dustrude’s photos on his 365 (366 this year!) blog, as he posts a photo a day. This is the way to start your day right! Beautiful stuff…
• It’s that time of year – the Farmers’ Market gets going this Saturday at Brickworks from 10am-1pm – see ya there!
• Passing: In this last couple of days I heard Gene Geyman passed away (she was remembered at yesterday’s Garden Club…my condolences to John & the family – she’ll be much missed) & that Jim Smith passed away as well…the longtime owner of Discovery Inn was a big part of helping the town & community with his work over the past two decades here on the island. Gonna miss him…
• Hey, wanna help our local band on their rise to the top? I know I’m going to vote for them… Here’s more from Tyler & The Good Husbands:
Hey Ian, Tyler Roberts here of The Good Husbands. So we are currently in a race against the entire nation called
We have 90 days to get the most votes possible, the artist with the top votes wins $25,000. We are currently in 5th place. Its a quick email & name, & you can vote ONCE PER HOUR. We believe we can win this with the help of our loyal, tight knit, awesome Island fans. If you could post something on your website we would be very thankful!
If we win, we plan to donate a chunk to the island, whether it be the ball fields or something else if it comes up (not to be published yet). But hope all is well, we plan to get very active on the website, facebook etc. We have new music, new videos, & plenty of shows coming up in the near future.
All best, Tyler
• Valery White wanted you & me to know:
There is a ‘crafternoon’ event at the library conference room from 1:30 – 3:30, Thursday April 5th, and every First Thursday of the month. This event is sponsored by the San Juan County Textile Guild and is open to anyone interested in spinning, knitting, weaving, basketmaking, you name it! Bring a project to work on. It’s a great opportunity to share ideas, get inspired and visit.
• Earlier this week, Dori & Kate at Stillpoint School had an open house so you could go over & check out what they’re doing – you can still drop by – here’s the scoop:
Spring into Success at Stillpoint School!
Stillpoint School invites prospective students and their families to come by & see the school…. Come tour the school, meet the teachers, and pick up an Application Packet for the 2012-2013 school year. Stillpoint School is State Approved and welcomes new students in grades K-6. For more information about the benefits of our small environment and brain-friendly program, please visit or call 378-2331.

A little preview of Pat's garden & gifts store, located behind The Mystical Mermaid (you go through the Mermaid to get there)...they're planning to be open this Friday - amazing stuff. Check it out!
• Looking ahead to the end of the summer, it’s cool to see what’s planned – here’s the word from Tom Starr and our friends with the Lions Club:
The San Juan Lions are going to hold a music festival on the Saturday (Sept.1) of the coming Labor Day Weekend. Many people have said how they miss the SJI Traditional Jazz Festival of the 80s and 90s, and wish we could have another festival of some type.
The festival will feature all local bands and include all genres – rock, jazz, country, blues, and folk We are going to hold it under a big tent at the former Browne lumber Site, the fenced in parcel at 330 Spring Street. There will be seating for 100 +- fans, tables, food and drink for sale, a proper stage, and a professional sound system. Ticket prices about $12 for an all day pass, with a break for kids.
The music will start at 11:00 am, with 1¼ hr. sets, lasting until 9:00 pm – this relates to about 8 bands. We are still getting confirmations on the band lineup. Promo and ticket sales will be done in advance, all Summer. The proceeds will be used for Lions sight and vision assistance, with a goal of purchasing a digital vision screening system for the vision screening of preschool aged children. More information will be available as we get closer to the time!
• Island Wools has moved to the spot across from The Bean & next to Pablito’s, down the alley from Pelindaba Lavender, with new owner Julie Packard….
It sounds like she’s excited about the new spot:
The yarn store has moved!
Our new location offers the space needed to offer classes (coming soon!) and a kitchen in the back, so that I can continue dyeing my line of handpainted yarns (Whimsical Colors) which are for sale in the shop along with national brands like Cascade, Brown Sheep, Crystal Palace and Plymouth.
New yarns to the shop include Mountain Colors and soon to arrive Malabrigo.
I’ve also added a lot of new books to the shop and I’ve restocked all the knitting needles and crochet hooks. We’re open 6 days a week (closed on Wednesdays). Come on by!
• A couple of weeks ago, the County Republicans held their Convention – here’s how things turned out, according to Chair Michelle Loftus:
The San Juan County Republican Party enjoyed a successful County Convention Saturday March 24th at the San Juan Island Grange. Delegates selected from Precinct Caucuses gathered to elect Delegates to State Convention in May. State Convention delegates elected are Cindy Carter, Alex Gavora, Dennis Hazelton and Levi Rawls. Alternates elected are Mike Carlson, Nathan Carter, Curt Wikstrom and Brian Ehrmantraut. Automatic delegates are Michelle Loftus (Chair), Rebecca Johnson (State Committee Woman) and Nick Johnson (State Committee Man). Platform was also approved for the county and may be seen on the County Republican Party Website.
Guest speaker Dan Matthews (candidate for US Congress) enlightened us about his plans to take care of business in Washington. His confident leadership style supported by his experience as a military pilot should serve us well. Much lively discussion was presented concerning issues facing our county, state and nation.
2012 National Eagle Volunteer Award recipients were recognized for their contributions to the Republican Party. They are Cindy Carter, Rick Boucher, Rebecca Johnson, Nick Johnson, Levi Rawls, Darlene Demetrick, Rene Polda, Alex Gavora, Dennis Hazelton and Minnie Knych. The County Fair booth, community group leadership, community education and project support have been successful due to their efforts. “Patriotism and love for our country was evident. We have much work to do.” observed Chair Loftus.
• It was good to hear from David Dehlendorf, reporting on the County Council decision yesterday:
Today the County Council unanimously approved the proposed letter to Secretary Salazar recommending National Monument designation for the BLM lands in the San Juan Islands. There were approximately 50 supporters of the letter at today’s meeting, including a contingent of students from Spring Street School, several of whom spoke during the
public comment period. There were another 50 or so on Orcas and Lopez who participated via video conferencing. It was a wonderful example of democracy in action.
The next step is now up to Ken Salazar, Secretary of the Department of the Interior. If you want to write urging him to recommend to President Obama that he designate the BLM land in the San Juan Islands as a National Monument, his email address is
You can follow future developments at
Thanks to all of you who wrote emails to the council, attended today’s meeting, or otherwise showed your support.
• We have the Farmers’ Market, and now it’s time to get the Friday Harbor Art Market going! Here’s more from organizer Debbie Pigman:
“Call for Artists” Friday Harbor Art Market
The Friday Harbor Art Market is seeking artists for its 2012 season at the Brickworks Plaza on Sunshine Alley. The art market will feature local artists and musicians. It will run once a week for twelve weeks, June 14 through August 30, on Thursday afternoons from 5:00pm-8:00pm.
The historic Brickworks facility was purchased by the San Juan County Agricultural Guild as a community center to house our local Farmers Market and to be used by organizations and individuals for events such as this.
“We are excited to bring this event to the community and to our visitors, providing yet another island experience in Friday Harbor. We will now have Island Rec’s Music on the Lawn on Wednesday evenings, the Friday Harbor Art Market on Thursday evenings, Music at the Port on Friday evenings, the San Juan Island Farmers’ Market on Saturday mornings and Music at the Port on Sunday afternoons. Our hope is that people will come to town for the market, and, before or after, shop in the stores….many stay open a little later during the summer… and then settle down for a nice meal at one of our great restaurants,” says Debbie Pigman, art market coordinator.
To obtain guidelines and an application, contact Debbie Pigman, at dpigman1234 (at) or 360 472-0216. Applications are due by April 16, 2012.
Did you know that Tim Thomsen’s San Juan Kayak Expeditions is celebrating its 32nd year in operation – congratulations, Tim!
• Friday night will be a good time to check out Simona’s work at the new Lavendera spot:
“Living Passion & Serenity”
Join artist Simona Burla and enjoy an evening in the world of MANDALAS. Her colorful and vibrant work features prints of watercolor paintings and jewelry, the WEARABLE MANDALAS, which she originally creates from her paintings and then adorns with metals, glass beads and semiprecious stones. Reception & Open House is on April 6, from 6:30pm to 8:30pm, at Lavendera Massage located on 285 Spring Street. For more information, please call 360-378-3637.
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Categories: Around Here
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