‘Round about…
Posted May 30, 2012 at 6:38 am by Ian Byington

You saw all those logs at British Camp on the parade ground - looks like they're going to re-build the base of the bastion (in the background) this summer, because it's old & starting to rot....the project will probably take all summer. (This is an update on the report from Mike Cohen, who told me they were logging onto the Internet....)
There’s a lot going on & so….hurry up & relax! Here’s the news:
• At Lavendera on Thursday night at 7pm, you can learn more, with Pam Fry:
Learn this gentle healing treatment, based on ancient acu-points, to help you and your pet relieve stress, emotional /behavior issues, pain, insomnia and more!
Pam Fry, RN & High Touch Practitioner hosts this fun event. You will leave knowing how to help yourself, your pet, friends & family, gently and easily!
• Did you see Aaron D’Errico’s blog entry on Stan Lee’s website? Pretty cool, the connection Aaron has with the cartooning legend….
• If JFK were alive yesterday, he would have celebrated his 95th birthday….
• Changes at the Community Theatre…here’s the update from Jan:
The time has come! This is SJCT executive director Merritt Olsen’s final week at the Theatre. He’s off to South Dakota with his wife, Janet, where they’ll be closer to family and he’ll work part-time helping to develop a new theatre there. Production Manager Steve Judson also says “good-bye” this week…he’s moving back to San Diego to resume stagehand work and pursue a new avenue of interest in Automation Console Programming.
And if that isn’t enough change at one time, front of house manager Julie Hanks also leaves this week—she’s staying on the island but taking on more responsibilities at the Whale Museum. (We’ll have more soon about Julie’s replacement).
In the meantime, SJCT Business Manager Mary Blevins takes the helm as Chief Administrative Officer of the Theatre, Costume Shop Mistress Susan Williams becomes Artistic Director and Scene Shop Manager John Schaller is now Production Manager. The SJCT staff also includes Promotions Director Jan Bollwinkel-Smith and Development Director Tanja Williamson.
• Passing: Sure sad to hear of Tim Aylward‘s passing….he’ll be long remembered for his infectious smile & laugh & great love for his kids. Condolences to the family….
• More art this weekend – drop by Waterworks Gallery anytime, or on Sunday to hear this artists’ talk – here’s more from Ruth:
Artist Talk Part 2 and Reception:
Joan Stuart Ross, Encaustic and Kathryn Trigg, Monotype
Kathryn & Joan will speak about their works on Sunday, June 3 at 1pm at WaterWorks Gallery, 315 Argyle St. Friday Harbor
Working with printing inks and paper, Kathryn Trigg, infuses the paper surface with up to 30 layers of color creating an amazingly complex colored surface.
Joan Stuart Ross continues her process with encaustic painting and ongoing affair with nature in the wild, culminating in this new series of paintings.

That's San Juan Outfitters' kayak guide Biscuit loading a van with Road Scholar kayakers yesterday at the Earthbox Inn & Spa for a great sunny day on the water.....
• Time to sign up for school! Here’s more from Skagit Valley College/San Juan Center’s Randy Martin:
Expanded Hours and Course Offerings for Fall Quarter at Skagit Valley College/San Juan Center
Fall Quarter registration for new students begins on May 30 at Skagit Valley College/San Juan Center. This Fall Quarter the San Juan Center will be open Monday – Thursday with expanded course offerings. Classes begin September 24. Academic transfer courses, online GED prep courses, computer workshops and community education courses are offered at the center. In addition, students can study anytime, anywhere with online courses from a variety of disciplines through the eLearning program.
“You can study locally and learn about the world from top-notch faculty who teach here in the islands and online,” stated Randy Martin, SVC San Juan Center Director. Prospective students can apply on-line or in person at the San Juan Center. Call for an appointment with San Juan Center Advisor/Counselor Sandy Harold. Sandy is available to assist any potential student with guidance through the admissions and registration processes, as well chart and plan an educational journey.
Interested students can apply on-line (www.skagit.edu), in person, or with a phone call to the San Juan Center in Friday Harbor at 360-378-3220.
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Categories: Around Here
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