What’s going on ’round San Juan Island…
Posted June 18, 2012 at 7:52 am by Ian Byington

Yep, I could hear OPA clear across the way at Wells Fargo as they rehearsed from the steps of Isle Be Jammin’ last week…music in the streets, at its best….
Let’s take a peek at the last few days, and the next few….
• Mitzi tells me the brown bag luncheon at the Presbyterian Church for the Daughters of the American Revolution is tomorrow (Tuesday) from 11:30am – 2pm, with guests welcome (rsvp to Mitzi at 378-5442). This month’s San Juan Islands Chapter of the D.A.R. offers a program called “Prisoners of War in the American Revolution” by Melanie Correll.
• When I posted this before, I somehow left the time & cost off – here’s the complete poster for Wednesday night (with my apologies for the omissions!):
• Anna Lisa tells me that Duck Soup Inn is now open Wednesday till Sunday each week for the summer – drop in!
• Lori Stokes is pretty fired up for this year’s Trashion Fashion show & should be – it was awesome last year! Here’s more:
Francie Hansen, creator of the renowned Trashion Fashion show that has been featured for many years on opening night of the County Fair, can’t help herself (despite her resignation last year) and plans to take the helm yet again this summer. “People are stopping me in the street, telling me they have great ideas and are already working on their outfits!” says Francie. “So get out your creative thinking caps, and look around for all the wonderful things that might form the basis of an outfit made from recycled/reused materials. Remember the wedding gown made from King’s white plastic shopping bags? The dress made from ferry schedules? The poodle outfit concocted from dog hair?”
If you’re interested in being a part of the show, and/or just want to brainstorm with Francie about a possible costume, you can phone her at 378-2731. And if not, mark your calendars for Wednesday evening, August 15, and plan to come watch the show!
• You’re planning for the Fourth already, right? Here’s the lineup in Friday Harbor, from Rebecca Parks at the Chamber of Commerce:
4th of July:
Parade begins at 10:30 a.m. Theme: Thank you, Friday Harbor Merchants 1872 – 2012 (contact Petro San Juan or the Chamber of Commerce for entry information)
Pig War Barbecue sponsored by Kiwanis starts at 11:30 at the Historical Museum
Rock the Docks sponsored by Rotary: dancing at the port starts at 6 p.m.
Fireworks Spectacular in the harbor at dusk. Parade and Fireworks sponsored by San Juan Island Chamber of Commerce.

A fox kit, on the westside. Tamara Weaver reminds folks to watch for them as they skitter around near the roads this spring, and be careful….she took this photo over near Mitchell Bay late last week….thanks for the photo, Tamara!
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