Around the island…
Posted July 19, 2012 at 7:50 am by Ian Byington

Recently retired Town Administrator King Fitch tells me he’s been pretty busy since he stepped down at the end of June after 25 years…I caught up with him and Pam (left) at Pelindaba as they were showing visitors Mollie & Shannon around the island earlier this week.
Let’s see what else is going on:
• Georgia tells me this will be useful – drop by!
Accountant Don Cooper will be giving a talk about handling estates at the Mullis Center at 2:30pm on Thursday, July 19. The CPA will be giving an overview of state and federal taxation upon the estate holder’s passing as well as discussing “the role of the personal representative executor of an estate.
It’s free and open to the public by sponsorship of the Mullis Center Advisory Committee.
• Remember the band that played last week & did all the Beatles’ songs? Creme Tangerine packed the place (and more) here on the island for Island Rec’s Music on the Lawn a week ago, and last night packed CenturyLink Field in Seattle, playing before & after the Seattle Sounders’ game. From here, to there….
• How did the weather treat shows on the island? Roy Rogers played in the Community Theatre & the lightning made it an acoustic set (the show goes on!)
Meanwhile, Shakespeare is awesome: Rebecca tells me a fox ran between the chairs during Thursday’s show (and the actors weren’t fazed at all)…Brenda Beckett tells me Island Stage Left’s A Midsuumer Night’s Dream is great:
“I saw Saturday’s performance out at Roche, and my suggestion is to catch it early in the run, because you will probably want to see it at least twice. It is absolutely delightful and completely hilarious.”
• Alison Johnston Lohrey‘s new book is here! She’s have them tonight at the Art Market at Brickworks – here’s more:
Hi, Ian!
My new book, “Thyme in my Pocket” has just arrived and I will be signing and selling it at the Friday Harbor Art Market this thursday from 5:00-8:00pm and all the rest of the summer there. I will have a Book Release Celebration and probably a signing/reading at Griffin Bay or the Library soon.
Thyme in my Pocket is a visual memoir of four splendid seasons spent in the rural French countryside. In word and watercolor, artist and writer Alison Johnston takes the reader on an intimate journey home to a country of heart, to a sense of place. In the tiny stone villages of southern France, she lived her dream, born during a six week summer art study in nineteen seventy-nine where she contracted “La maladie des pierres.” Translated as falling helplessly in love with stone, within which one lives and breathes and creates in these timeless villages, she has happily never recovered. For a magical year she and her cycling husband and musical son lived, wrote, painted and played, nurtured by the art, language, music, and most significantly, the cross-cultural friendships which blossomed.
• Anna Lisa tells me there’s a special at Duck Soup Inn before the show, when you’re on your way to Shakespeare:
Gretchen is offering a complimentary fruit cobbler (with custard sauce) to any diner that comes into the restaurant before heading out to Island Stage Left’s presentation of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
• Hey, you know that lost Prius key we mentioned earlier this week? Libby Oswald tells me it & its owner are re-united….cool!
• Elizabeth Anderson at the County knows there are a lot of questions about solid waste & the direction we’re headed – here’s a chance to catch up:
Monday, July 23, 2012: San Juan Island Library Meeting Room 2-4pm
Public Works Director Frank Mulcahy will host an open, informal discussion group to answer questions about the upcoming changes for San Juan Islanders to the garbage and recycling collection system.
Frank will be prepared to talk about current timelines and activities. Questions are welcome.
• I love the thoughts that Laura & the staff type up & put in the Griffin Bay Bookstore window – always makes me stop & think, especially when it’s one of my favorite people, Dr. Zinn:
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Categories: Around Here
One comment:
One comment...
Yes, “small acts… can transform the world”, as Howard Zinn writes. At the library is the documentary, “Small Acts”, which features a holocaust survivor living in Sweden, who gave $15/month to put a Kenyan youth through high school. He went on to Harvard and now is a lawyer working with the UN in the promotion of human rights. His cousin followed in his footsteps. It is an inspiring video, right there in our library. InJoy!
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