Around the island…..
Posted November 8, 2012 at 3:42 pm by Ian Byington

Super sunrise this morning at Jackson’s Beach, prelude to a bright & sunny day….photo by Janet Thomas (thanks, Janet!)
Getting a few details down, ’round here – let’s check in:
• Yeah, there was a quake last night, pretty big one – off northern Vancouver Island – here’s the scoop on the 6.3 shaking.
• Heard that Sandy Cameron passed away….gonna miss him volunteering at the Theatre, setting up Robert Burns dinners, and his Scottish accent…
• She’s back on the island! Here’s more about what Suzie is up to:
Suzie Thomas originally moved to San Juan Island in 1967. She graduated from FHHS and went off to college to study international business and economics.
But before finishing, her life abruptly veered and she found herself instead on the trail of spiritual consciousness. Recently, after nearly 20 years as a practitioner in Seattle in the field of alternative healing and mind-body-spirit well being, she moved back to Friday Harbor and opened a second office at 425 Argyle.
Though still commuting to the city for her Seattle clientele, Suzie is hoping eventually to return to more full-time island life.
“I’m an islander,” Suzie says. “I spent time growing up here, and I lived on Orcas 15 years. I can’t live in the city. I’ve been commuting between the islands and Seattle almost 20 years. That’s a lot of commuting!”
Calling on 30 years experience and many years of training in alternative forms of healing and well being, Suzie offers help in unearthing and altering the various beliefs, self-images, and mental/emotional habits clients practice which generate suffering in their lives. She has found with her Seattle clientele that when certain practices are taken on and turned into habit, an increase in mental and emotional ease, self-kindness, and centered stability are among the guaranteed results.
Suzie says, “Over a period of 20 years, I’ve watched clients become steadier in themselves and their lives. They become less judgmental and more compassionate. What used to throw them stops throwing them. When they dependably practice the simple consciousness tools I give them, those results always come about. Always. I’ve noticed that.”
In tandem with or separately from the consciousness work, Suzie also offers energy work, sometimes known as energy medicine. “We tune our piano or our guitar,” Suzie says. “We don’t think to tune our energy body. But our mental and emotional habits send it out of attunement all the time.” The most frequently reported outcome of an attunement session is walking out of a treatment feeling more relaxed, calmer, and lighter.
Suzie laughs, “One client claimed, after every session, that she felt 10 pounds lighter. Maybe that’s something to take advantage of during the holiday season!”
In honor of the holidays, Suzie is offering a special rate to islanders of $45 for an introductory 1-hour session. This limited introductory offer, one per client, must be redeemed by Thursday January 3rd, 2013. Gift certificates available. Suzie can be reached on her cell phone 206.406.3085, or by email [email protected].

I got to meet Megan’s baby Gabriella this week at Wells Fargo, which is one of the most baby-friendly banks around….

It was fun to see Gretchen (left) and Debbi on the ferry last night, organizing a plan for getting the puzzle done before the boat got to Friday Harbor.

Someone told me people have been getting their picture taken with the zuke that’s been sitting out front of the drug store since Halloween….

What a nice surprise: Josie & I saw a couple of Jaime Ellsworth’s pictures at the carousel at Butchart Gardens outside of Victoria, BC, a couple of weeks ago…another islander’s beautiful work, spreading the love
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Categories: Around Here
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