Salt Pool is Coming

Posted March 28, 2013 at 5:38 am by

You may remember we mentioned this as a possibility last month – Now it’s looking like its a definite thing:

SaltPure® Pool Coming to SJI Fitness

Salt Pure® Pool Coming to SJI Fitness

San Juan Island Fitness is converting from their current and traditional chlorinated water to a Salt Pure® pool.

“There are a lot of benefits to this conversion” says owner, Paul Hopkins. “Most who have swum in a Salt Pure® pool notice the absence of a chlorine odor and say it feels ‘smoother’ on their skin, eyes and hair. Many who have skin that is adversely affected by ordinary chlorine report no problems with a salt pool” he adds.

San Juan Island Fitness had solicited comments from the public and it’s members about a potential conversion. According to Hopkins, “we had some excellent questions, no objections and pretty much overwhelming support for the transition. While we are a private company, this is the only year-round, public access pool on the island, so we also see it as a community asset.”

The Club is currently working on installation dates and should be converted to salt by the end of April.

For more information or to comment, please e-mail saltpool [@] or call 378-4449.

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