Lichen Workshops

Posted April 10, 2013 at 5:50 am by

Funky Fungi - Tim Dustrude photo

Funky Fungi – Tim Dustrude photo

On Saturday April 13, the San Juan Island Nature Institute and Bureau of Land Management present Dr. Fred Rhoades for a workshop on the Lichens of Lopez and On Sunday April 14, Dr Rhoades will lead a workshop on San Juan Island. The workshops cost $50 per person and an additional $15 for the purchase of the recommended text.

Registration is essential and should be made by Wednesday April 10 to avoid cancellation of the workshops. Register online at or call 378-3646. San Juan Nature Institute is an approved provider of clock hours and 5.5 educator hours are available for this workshop. Please register early to secure a place.

The Lopez workshop will start at Lopez High School with an introduction to lichens. Then we will drive to Pt Colville for a brown bag lunch and field studies returning to the school by 4:00 p.m. Due to the sensitive nature of the area, we are limiting this field workshop to 10 participants. Minimum attendance required: 6 people.

The San Juan Island workshop will start at UWFriday Harbor Labs lecture hall with an introduction to lichens. Then we will drive to the Whiteley property for a brown bag lunch and field studies, returning to the Labs by 4:00 p.m. Workshop limited to 15 participants with minimum requirement of 6 participants.

Copies of Dr Rhoades’ book Lichens of South Lopez will be on sale from SJNI for $15 each. This book is recommended reference for both courses and further study of this important element of our island ecosystems. Please bring your lunch and clothing suitable for a day out of doors. It is also necessary to bring a 10X (or higher power) hand lens to the workshop. Dr. Rhoades will have these available at modest cost ($5 and $7).

Lichens are a conspicuous component of our wildscapes clothing rocks and trees with strange colors and textures. These workshops will reveal the beauty of these fascinating cryptogams and explain their biology and ecology. Participants will use the recommended reference written by our instructor to identify specimens. Dr Rhoades is a retired biologist from Western Washington University specializing in the ‘nonvascular cryptogams and other low life’ – lichens, mosses and fungi. His slide shows are famous and his enthusiasm for these important elements of our flora is infectious.

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