Win-Win for Schools
Posted January 28, 2014 at 5:45 am by Tim Dustrude

FHHS Leo Club officers, President Jacklyn Justiniano (left) and Treasurer Sam Stewart (right) present a check to SJPSF President Nancy Young. The Leos designated the gift to support the school art program – Contributed photo – click for larger version
Whenever the business community and the San Juan Public School Foundation partner together, it is a win-win situation for our schools. SJPSF raised $23,525 in donations through this year’s Business Partnership program. As always, 100% of these funds go directly to the schools to support essential curriculum improvements. The participating businesses are listed in the School Directory (aka the thin blue phonebook) and on posters in each school. Please join us in thanking our local businesses for their very generous support of our award-winning schools!
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Categories: Around Here
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