Register Early for Annual 8.8K Loop Run
Posted July 25, 2014 at 5:46 am by Tim Dustrude

Runners in the Annual 8.8K Race – Photo courtesy of Island Rec
Island Rec – 37th Annual 8.8K Loop Run!
Island Rec and Xtreme Fitness invite you to take part in some local history and enter the 37th Annual Friday Harbor 8.8k Loop Run scheduled for a 9am start on Saturday August 16, 2014. People of all ages enjoy running or walking in this race.
Register by July 31st and pay the early fee, $15 for kids 12 and under and $20 for racers 13 and older. Fee will increase by $5 on August 1st. All fees include race entry, a free pass into the San Juan County fair and an event t-shirt. Register online at, in person at the Island Rec office 580 Guard Street, or – New this year – Register on Wednesday, Aug. 13 & Thursday Aug. 14th, at the Island Rec Fair Booth, inside the Fairgrounds.
Race number and shirts can be picked up the Friday before Race day at the Island Rec Office from 1-5pm. Runner check-in and day of registrations takes place in the Wells Fargo Bank parking Lot, located on the corner of Argyle and Spring Street, from 7:30-8:45am. The race starts promptly at 9:00 am in front of Friday Harbor Drug. Awards ceremony follows the race with medals awarded for the first three place-winners in 5 year age categories.
Volunteers are needed for race day, please contact Morgan Johnston at
morgan [@] islandrec [.] org if you are interested. Call Island Rec at 378-4953 for more information.
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Categories: Around Here
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