Eastside Stories from Vancouver
Posted September 29, 2014 at 3:44 pm by Tim Dustrude
It’s always fun to see what FHHS grads accomplish after they go off into the world. Do you remember Lauren Brem? She lived here with her folks George and Stacy, and her sister Krysta. She graduated in 2005 and now lives in Vancouver BC. She just sent this note over about a cool video she helped create and she would love to share it with you. Here’s Lauren with the story…
Dear San Juan Update,
My name is Lauren Brem and I grew up in Friday Harbor, and my parents (as well as their parents) lived there for quite some time as well. My mom and dad owned Amigos and the Hot Shop.
I have since moved to Vancouver, BC Canada and have settled here working with an investment company, but I have really worked on finding my passion through art. I recently got together with an amazing group of friends and we won a grant from the large cable television and internet provider in Canada, Telus. We were given a grant to make our idea a reality and we just released our 10 minute documentary, “Eastside Stories”, this past week. There was a sold out public premiere at a downtown Vancouver Theatre, and we are seeing the video start to be shared across various social media pages… including so many folks I grew up with in FH.
I hope you find it as special as we have.
Lauren Brem
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Categories: Around Here
Hi Lauren–Nice to catch up with you! Congratulations on this amazing story. We always knew you would do wonderful things with your life–
Lauren, this is powerful and shimmers with that energy that arises when something is right on target. Thank you for your devotion to the innermost heart of others. Absolutely beautiful. TELUS was smart to say yes.
Thank you so much! Nice to hear from you and thanks for taking a look at our video
Lauren – what a beautiful, intelligent & inspiring film.
Way to go girl!!
Thank you very much Cat… this project certainly changed my life.
Way to go, Lauren! Proud of you & proud of the way the video turned out Way to go!!
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