I’m Back
Posted August 16, 2016 at 5:38 am by Tim Dustrude
Hi everyone. I am back on task with the editing and operations at the SJ Update.
Surgery was successful and I am on the mend. I want to give a great big Thank You to all of you who left comments with good wishes, healing thoughts, and prayers for my recovery – they were all appreciated immensely, and very helpful. What a wonderful community we have here on this little island! You guys rock! Thank you!
I also want to give a Huge Thank You to Peggy Sue McRae – Peggy Sue has been writing and posting her stories and photos (and yours) on the Update over the last month while I was unavailable, and keeping track of emails and all the loose ends that go along with running an operation like this. Her help was HUGE and allowed me to let go of all my Update responsibilities and just focus on healing.
Thank you Peggy Sue!
I look forward to seeing you all around town and at the fair this week. Thank you again!
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Categories: Community, Letters
Glad you’re back, Tim. Peggy Sue was indeed awesome.
Glad your in good health again Tim! Wow….
Looking forward to running into you and very glad you are on the mend!!!
Awesome news!!! Happy to hear that you’re back in the saddle!!!
Such great news! Thank you Peggy Sue for taking care of the Update, and thank you Shannon Dean for taking care of Tim! So glad it was a success
So happy for you and your family! Wonderful news!
So glad to learn you are back and blazing for more island fun and Updates!
Welcome Home, Tim!
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