Frightmare at the Fairgrounds

Posted October 10, 2016 at 5:43 am by

Halloween hospice

Alison Caruso is looking for volunteers to help put on this fun event…

Transform a 10,000 square foot space into a haunted walk through in one weeks time…

The actual event will be:

  • Friday October 28th 5-10pm (note this will be for ages 10 & up as we will have people scaring people) $10 per person
  • Saturday afternoon Oct 29th 2-6pm (note this will be for ALL ages~~ NO scares) $5 per kid or adult
  • Saturday night Oct 29th 6-10pm (note this will be for ages 10 & up as we will have people scaring people) $10 per person

Load in on Monday October 24th. This entails emptying out my storage, located right by the library & taking everything to the fairgrounds. The more people to help with this, the faster we can get it done. I did this last year by myself, but it would be a breeze with help.

All day and night Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday until 2pm, DECORATING time! This is an ALL hands on deck event. Especially Tuesday when we need the walls & the tarps hung. No decorations can go up without the foundation. The more help with this, the easier it will be to decorate. (feel free to bring a ladder! lol)

Then on Friday October 28th during the day we will need help with last minute decorating, especially the fog machines that require ice set up & all battery decorations turned on. Then later that night between 5:30pm-10pm we need people to scare the people going through the haunted house & to man some scares behind the scenes.

On Saturday during the day, we need people to help turn everything on, check for things not working properly, things that need new batteries, damage control, etc. We will also need people to help check in kids starting at 2pm-6pm. Then that night between 5:30-10pm we NEED more people to check people in & scare people throughout the haunted house & to man some scares behind the scenes.

On Sunday we need help breaking down & packing up

On Monday we need help packing up & taking everything back to storage.

Some things to know: I do not let anyone go through with food or drinks but at the end I give everyone candy to go!

If you want to be a scarer you can never touch or grab anyone ~ EVER! That is a rule, if you can’t handle that, please don’t volunteer for that position, as we want to keep YOU & our guests safe!

Also, last year it was JUST 10 years old & up to go through, so little ones couldn’t go through. This year on Saturday from 2-6pm we welcome all wee ones, as we will have NO PEOPLE SCARING at that time.

It’s a huge event & the more people to help, the easier & faster it will be to pull off.

I hope i explained everything to you. If you have any questions PLEASE feel free to ask questions.

Broken down by day here’s the plan:

Monday October 24th, 2016 ~~ Load in from storage, in town to the Fairgrounds…..
Time: 12noon until it gets done….Could be an hour, could be 3 hours…..Then that day into the evening I will be at the fairgrounds setting up the tables to start the separating process of storage…..

Tuesday October 25th, 2016 ~~ Setting up the walls & the ceiling tarps…..
Time: 12 noon until 9 pm….The earlier the better, as nothing can get done without the foundation up……

Wednesday October 26th, 2016 ~~ Decorate, Decorate, Decorate!!!
Time: 12 noon until 9 pm….

Thursday October 27th, 2016 ~~ Decorate, Decorate, Decorate!!!
Time 12 noon until 9 pm….

Friday October 28th, 2016 ~~
Time 11am until 10 pm NOTE~~ We will need ‘scarers’ for this night.
Finish Decorating….Get last minute things done until SHOWTIME 11am-6pm for this, then scarers from 5:30-10pm
I have masks, but if you have your own costume, feel free to bring it!!! Scarers will need to be there from 5:30pm-10pm as we can’t find replacements for your space last minute….So if you know you can only do part of that shift ahead of time, please let us know & we can try to schedule what you can do, with someone else to replace you, to make it work for everyone!

Saturday October 29th, 2016 ~~
Time 11am until 10pm NOTE ~~ We will need ‘scarers’ for this night.
So this day we will have young ones from 2-6pm & then kids 10 & up from 6-10pm….We do NOT need scarers from 2-5:30, as we don’t want to scare the little ones, however we will need people to help get things ready for them from 11am-2pm then we need people to do tickets from 2-6pm then another shift for tickets from 5:30-10pm…. Also this night we will need scarers from 5:30-10pm…..AGAIN, Scarers will need to be there from 5:30pm-10pm as we can’t find replacements for your space last minute….So if you know you can only do part of that shift ahead of time, please let us know & we can try to schedule what you can do, with someone else to replace you, to make it work for everyone!

Sunday October 30th, 2016 ~~ After I hug you all for helping, before i collapse, it’s take down & putting everything back into the bins….
Time: 12 noon until 9pm

Monday October 31st, 2016 ~~ Pack up & transport back to storage unit in town…..
Time: 12 noon until we get it done! 🙂

Ok I’m exhausted just writing all this, lol, so I help people can help! It’s an amazing event & I hope you guys can be a part of a tradition I hope to keep alive every year!!!!
Thank you to ALL!!

Alison & Tony
Friday Harbor Jolly Trolley
contact ph # 360-298-8873


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