Journey to Prevention
Posted June 15, 2017 at 8:35 am by Tim Dustrude

Penelope Haskew, Luke Fincher, Zach Fincher (in back), Chiara Power and Debbi Fincher – Contributed photo
Rock Solid Youth Group chosen as Grand Prize Winners at Washington State Prevention-Spring Youth Forum 2017.
Zach Fincher shares a little information about his Community Project at FHES and how it led to their opportunity to present at the State level in Prevention…
“Last year, at the Washington State Prevention Summit, we learned about Tucker the Turtle and his Turtle Techniques. Tucker is an evidence-based program to help kids by teaching them to reduce stress and to manage their emotions, particularly, if they get mad. I worked closely with my mentor, Cynthia Stark-Wickman, Executive Coordinator, of the San Juan Island Prevention Coalition to research and implement these ideas into a script.”
“I enlisted the help of some of my fellow actors from our International Thespian Society, Friday Harbor Chapter to perform the skit that I wrote based on Tucker’s Turtle Techniques. I also enjoyed meeting with the 1-3 graders prior to the performance to do a pre survey, so I could return after the performance to ask the same questions and see if the students learned any new skills from our skit. The results were encouraging! Kids reported an increase in skills to deal with bullies and bullying behaviors across the three grades, in some cases by over 55%!”
(Continue reading on website)
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Categories: Education, Health & Wellness, People
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You go Zack! So proud of you! Amazing job by ALL!!! Debbie, you never cease to amaze me girl! Are you secretly wonder woman?!?!?
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